After she left he fell asleep slightly. Maybe out of exhaustion. He was in godly tired. He started to dream. Of many things. Like how he had met his team. They had been seen as screw ups. Terrible SEALS. Course that was not the truth. They were just disorganized. Shane had met Shoefield after a fight. They had been arguing and it had led to them being ordered to work together. Through that they had become close friends. From there the two had made their team. From there they became the best team the SEALs had. He woke up and she was still gone but he heard footsteps. It sounded like her but there was a second pair if footsteps. He got up and hid in the forrest. Away from where they could see. He trust Misty but it was the second person. A male built like a soldier. Shane creeped away and managed to get behind them. He was great at stealth but did not want to get caught. He charged out and tackled the guy to the ground. He had left his knife. After wrestling with the guy for a minute he managed to slightly subdue him with the guy's back to the ground. "Who the hell are you? Better question, you said you were alone Misty. Not the truth huh?" He said still worried. He was still hurt but holding the guy down. Just like he was trained.