[center][img]http://www.cutmypic.com/uploads/title164244655.png[/img] [color=gray][h2]Kage[/h2][/color][/center] As she held herself there, suspensed between the great azure abyss of the ground and the emerald ocean of the sky, Kage became aware of a familiar sensation. It was a bit like having a stuffy nose, but the pressure was spread out more. She gradually became aware of how dizzy she felt. Then she began to see things and hear things. For example, she saw Delsin wander over to her and crouch down. Then she heared him start talking. She blinked at him in silence. Then he left. Well that was strange. Kage let her mind submit to the collectivly agreed on experience called reality once more. She fell backwards and stared up at what was now the sky again. What had he said to her again? Esoteric? What was that? Was it edible? Kage was pretty sure it wasn’t an insult. The poor man seemed to be trying to encourage her, though she didn’t feel very encouraged. What was the point in communicating if you failed to make the other party understand what you meant? [color=gray]“Ess...oh...ter...ick.”[/color] She told the tree next to her. It didn’t respond. Poor thing. It couldn’t communicate either. These...S class trials seemed to be something important. Maybe she should take part? Its not like she had anything better to do. There was her search, but she had no new leads as of yet, and wandering around randomly hadn’t been working. She longed to be out there still searching. But it was a big world. Searching for one person in it was like...well... Kage wished it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. At least she would know where the haystack was, and that said haystack actually had a needle in it. Oh and the needles generally don’t move and don’t resemble the hay. Bah! She knew this. Why was she going over this again for the two hundred and twenty-seventh time? (She counted.) Still, there were other ways to look. Maybe if... Kage got to her feet. There was a gentle breeze blowing. The wind felt cool on her face. The wind? Oh. Somewhere along the way, her mask had slipped. She bent down and picked it up. Regarding it with a serious expression, she pointed a stern finger at it. [color=gray]“Don’t slip.”[/color] She admonished it. Then she pulled it on. She took a moment to straighten the rest of her apparel too, which was in a puzzling state of disarray. Now she had to find a team to join. So the rules said. She was sure she could handle anything they could throw at her by herself, but others might need some help and she was nothing, if not helpful. Who to grace with her presence? She didn’t have any strong feelings toward or against any of the names on the list, so she quickly decided that she would join with the first leader she saw. That seemed faster and easier then weighing pros against cons and whatnot.