She let out a long sigh and let her head fall into her hands. Why did she think about that [i]before[/i] she climbed up here. [b]"Alright. Move out of the way. We'll get that damned thing up here one way or another."[/b] She explained as she went back down the ladders. She turned to face Leon who had his hands currently on the bag. He didn't look very well off either. [b]"I'm sorry. I feel like such a dumbass. Here, let me help you first and then we can figure out how to get this up there."[/b] She told him, motioning for him to start scaling the ladder. When he did, she got up under him and pushed him up, hoping it provided enough relief for him to get up and on solid ground again quickly. After a bit of struggling and a lot of groaning, they finally manged to get him up there. [b]"Alright... Now... What to do about this bag..."[/b] She mumbled, mostly talking to herself. If she had a rope she could try to make a lever system out of the rope and a tree and just hoist the bag up and out of the hole but she just didn't have it. She sat there, staring at the bag for what seemed like a long time when she finally let out a defeated sigh. [b]"The only way I see getting this thing up there is by pushing or pulling it up there ourselves. I can try to get up there best I can with it but... I might need a little help. Think you could provide a little?"[/b] She asked looking up at Leon. They had to try...