Neil was just done marking the best places to use as the station for the cable hooks, placing sensors down in front of a large rock jutting out of the forest floor, so long and jagged that Neil had a sneaking suspicion it was a small asteroid that had landed here many years ago. The other was one of the thicker trees of the forest that was relatively close to the shore. He'd made sure not to drink too much the night before, and he was glad for the moderation today. The lack of a true hangover was something he made himself appreciate. "Targets down, Captain" He said into his comm. Yet again, the day was sunny and hot, with only the barest whisper of a cloud above him, giving a small penumbra upon the brush. Briefly he wondered if there were any real clouds on the planet, but he was certain there had to be. It wouldn't rain otherwise, after all. As Neil lost himself in thought, popping a squat on a smaller, fallen log as he awaited Junebug to reply to him, he stretched. "[i]Shit its the motion detector in the jeep, we are about to have company[/i]." Neil had been through so much shit recently, he was almost inure before his self preservation suddenly screamed into his head and he halted mid-stretch, blinking and spinning about to gaze into the forest. "What? Where?" "Right in front of you, idiot." She said, her voice scathing with urgency. "Two hundred meters." Neil spun again, knowing he couldn't get back to the ship in time without swimming and opening the hatch of the [i]Highlander[/i], and by then he could be gunned down by anyone with a rifle. "Guess I need to improvise," he breathed, his wandering eye catching the log he had sat on, before looking at the tree its butt connected to. With a sudden monkey-like grace, he ran across the small log and kicked off, grabbing a hold of the lowest branch of the nearby tree and using that to climb into the canopy. He didn't even have his firearm with him this time, which he cursed himself for. As he climed, he realized reminded him a lot of his first mission with Junebug, only this time she was in the ship instead of a tent murdering someone, and this time she might need to save [i]his[/i] skin... It was only a minute before the targets emerged from the forest, so quiet Neil nearly yelped when he saw them. They were humans, as near as he could tell. But they wore little clothing, their bodies covered in barbaric warpaint. Clubs made of obsidian and spears tipped with rock were held in their hands, and a few rode odd, lithe beasts that ran on two legs. Mammals with the body shape of large, flightless hunting birds. He saw many of them holding blow darts. Neil whispered into his comm. "So what's the plan?" [@Penny]