It took a moment for Megumi to realize the little girl was a yokai. He was on one knee next to her, poking her cheek. As if to make sure she was really there. [color=f7976a]"Like a Pokemon..."[/color] He muttered under his breath. He looked up the stairs. He was familiar with the story of Obariyon. For a yokai, she didn't seem that scary. And he supposed it was his duty as an onmyoji. [color=f7976a]"Alright, get on."[/color] He said. She could climb on his back easily. His bag was in his hand, and between that and the pink-haired demon he was in a very awkward position. [color=f7976a]"This is what onmyoji are supposed to do, right?"[/color] He asked Takemi, seeming oblivious to the fact that she probably knew exactly as much as he did. [@Tenma Tendo] [@Veradana]