"We can't just leave Yuki on her own though; She could easily run afoul of the wrong crowd here, given her childlike innocence. Some people are actually quite considerate, but others, well... The bandit locals will have a field day with her." Cronic said, having snapped back to his usual self, though he was also plotting his vengeance on Aria. "And her "Borrowed" Thalmor garb is just going to attract unwanted attention. It's a bit of a stretch, but for the time being, I'm going to focus on making some more appropriate clothing for the climate. Otherwise she's just going to freeze to death out here. We can't all be Nords." Cronic said, having finished doing all the dishes now. "A general idea of her size will suffice for now. I'll fine-tune it later. Probably going to be busy all day at Warmaiden's forge though." ------ "Ah, don't be. I just needed some comfort during the night, and it was either him or you." Serena said as she stretched, before standing up. "Besides. I can handle myself, even without my sword."