Here is Rick, the true Paper Doll Man. [hider=Rick Brackwall] [center][img][/img][/center] ~ Physical Profile ~ Name: Rick Brackwall. Physical Age: 22. True Age: 24. Gender: Male Race: Child of the Devil. Subspecies: N/A Description: Standing at five foot ten inches Rick weighs about sixty eight kilograms with snow white hair and a rather small thin frame. One eye is a soft sky blue while the other one is stained a reddish brown. He likes to leave his hair loose generally but he will comb it back during meetings and other high profile attendances. At school or on the job he'll wear the standard uniform provided for the WDL. For social outings he'll wear fine black suits, dressing expensively albeit with little in the way of jewelry or other such tokens of wealth. He likes to look professional without necessarily showing off any degree of wealth since it's all provided for him. He sees little need to visibly demonstrate the WDL's wealth in the form of watches and the like. In casual company he'll dress down, wearing a cool colored t-shirt of some variety and some grey cargo pants. He likes having many pockets which they are good for. Most of his shirts have pockets since he likes having at least one pen and one pencil on him at all times. A couple of additional notes is that, firstly, he typically carries his saber with him to most areas where such an item is permitted. Secondly, he has a scar over his left eye. He doesn't like to talk about it. ~ Psychological Profile ~ Personality: On the surface he is a rather friendly albeit reserved fellow. He conducts himself politely and tries to make good with those around him. If others have problems he will seek to help them however he can should they desire the assistance. Regularly he is fairly busy as he likes to study, filling his head with knowledge pertinent to demons and the trials ahead so that he may be better prepared. Rare is it that he's doing something other than reading with his free time. Beneath his facade he works tirelessly towards the goal of the Warriors of Divine Light, that being to destroy demons. He pretend to be friendly and aloof largely as a defense mechanism. He cannot allow himself to grow close to anyone as at any moment their lives may end violently. He cannot afford to care about others until he finds the strength to right what's wrong with the world. On the other hand he cannot be cold to his allies and risk alienating them should he need their assistance. He maintains relationships largely out of job necessity rather than an actual desire to have company. At his core he has suffered a great deal. He is bent for revenge against the one who wronged him and everything around him is an asset, a means to an end. That is not to say he holds no empathy for those around him but he has a bone to pick with one particular demon and all other demons have fallen on his bad side as a result. Still, he'd rather build bridges as opposed to burning them so as long as someone doesn't do something so foolhardy as to try and bar him from his mark he can still work with them. Given his background he is utterly driven to grow in power so he will never be at anyone else's mercy. There is not a thing he feels stronger about than this. [hider=Tea Time] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider] Likes: - Writing: Fairly natural for him given his powers. - Drawing: Another paper based art form he practices. - Paper: Anything made of paper is good for him. - Cool Colors: He prefers darker shades and cool colors such as blue, purple and black. - Creativity: The mind is a beautiful thing that is meant to be expressed, not squandered. - Politeness: There's no good reason not to show a modicum of decorum. - Fancy Words: All the better to express ones idea's more vividly with. - Dependability: A dependable person is a valuable asset. - Chaos: Discord leaves opportunity for the weak to succeed where success would ordinarily be impossible. - Winter: Freshly fallen snow is marvelously scenic. Truly inspiring. Dislikes: - Fire: A natural weakness of his. - Water: Another natural weakness of his. - Computers: He's naturally prejudiced against digitization as it makes him feel outdated. - Summer: Between the oppressive heat and the people walking about in scant clothing there's little about summer he welcomes. - Demons: They've caused him a great deal of suffering. He's spent most of his life training to kill them. No doubt about him disliking them. - Arrogance: A quality often found in demons. He detests it wherever it may be though. - Incompetence: A chain is only as good as it's weakest link and he loathes to hinge his plans on the capability of these "Weak Links". - Blood: It's both red and water based. Also there are some bad memories tied to the sight of blood. He prefers to avoid the stuff when he can. Strengths: - He is very resourceful, skilled at making a lot out of a little. - He is clever, living on the edge of what his wiles will let him get away with. - He is quite book-smart, a veritable fountain of knowledge and only growing smarter. - While not terribly acrobatic he can be quite dextrous, quick to react and adapt both in body and mind. - He is very steady, able to minimize the trembling in his hands so as to make highly accurate motions with his hands. - He has a high tolerance for pain, able to maintain focus under great amounts of it. Fears: - Losing someone close to him. A fear he's well accustomed to, he is quite reluctant to let anyone become close to him for this reason. - Alzheimers. When one depends on his mind as much as him it can be frightening to imagine gradually losing it all. - Mental Magic. He both fears and hates this type of magic above all. Any who try to manipulate his mind or emotions for their own ends will earn a very special ire. Full on Mind Control will earn the user his eternal enmity should he ever regain his mental freedom. Hobbies: As he is much too busy preparing for the future he really only has time to spare keeping up appearances. One thing he does unrelated to gathering power is that he likes to patron the arts, sparing money for artists he enjoys so they can continue expressing their creativity and enriching culture in general. Secrets?: He doesn't speak much about his past. The WDL would probably have more information regarding his history. Outlook on life: Keeping the world safe from the apocalypse supersedes all. Any danger that threatens all living things and past that mankind in general must be thwarted. Failure is no option to consider. Affiliation: N/A. Moral Alignment: Neutral Good, More often neutral than good. [center]~ Combat Profile ~[/center] [hider=Paper Form] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider] Major Abilities: + Paper Form Upon entering his Awakened Demon form Rick assumes a new body, one made entirely out of paper. He gains all the benefits and drawbacks being made of paper brings. As he is able to control paper he is also able to control his body without fault. Should this form be damaged the paper will mimic damage inflicted to a real body, only in paper form. These changes don't cause pain or hinder his performance. If the damages made to his body aren't repaired before he turns back into his human form though he'll retain these injuries, effecting him as though he sustained such injuries in his human form. Obviously some forms of damage to paper are easier to mend than others. Tape might be able to hold torn sections of paper together but it does little to help against fire. He can use his manipulation of paper to change his body accordingly however he cannot return to normal with more to his body than he'd have in his normal, healthy state. + Summon Paper While his Awakened Demon form is active Rick is able to summon anything made of paper so long as he knows what it is and has a good idea as to where it is. This method of summoning has a mild flexibility, able to include non-paper materials such as book covers and other things so long as they are firmly attached to paper. The less he knows about the location of the papers he is trying to summon however the greater his chance of erroneously taking the wrong article of paper is. The summoning's chance of error is even greater if he is trying to summon a specific page and it's lost within a stack of papers. He cannot summon paper into a space that is physically occupied by another object. + Paper Voodoo Doll Syndrome In his Paper Form Rick can use dark magic to passively exchange a portion of all damage he receives to many targets. By simply touching his target Rick can instantly place a red X anywhere on the target's body. So long as this X remains on the target any damage taken by Rick will be divided in half, the remaining damage taken instead by the X marked target. If two targets are marked with Xs Rick instead only takes a third of the damage dealt, the two marked targets each taking a third of the damage as well. The amount of damage suffered by Rick can be shared by up to ninety nine targets, all of them suffering a minimum of one percent of the damage dealt. The red X applied to the target works like a red X drawn on by a red permanent marker. It will wear off over time but cannot be washed off. There are only two non-magical means of removing the red X quickly. One is by removing the section of skin it is applied to. The other mean of removing the red X is with lemon juice. No other type of citrus will suffice. As some additional details of note while damage suffered by Rick will be shared to those with red Xs on them damage suffered by these targets will not transfer to Rick. Additionally the parameters for where Rick needs to touch in order to place a mark do include clothing as well as items in their possession. What does not fit within the parameters of what he can touch to apply an X to the target are furniture the target might be using or anything else they might be touching that doesn't classify as an item in their possession. Minor Abilities: - Paper Control While this may be under Minor Abilities this ability is the meat of Rick's power. With this ability he can move, manipulate and change any and all paper. He can only exert an amount of force equal to his magical strength over a single piece of paper. This force is not divided amongst the number of pieces of paper he has under his control. In addition to this he can alter the paper's shape as well as create and even change images upon the paper to whatever he desires. The only thing he cannot do is change the physical properties of paper. Paper is still paper, complete with all it's strengths and all it's weaknesses. - Knowledge Conduction Rick is able to read the entirety of any book or any other written article simply by touching it. With a simple touch all information contained upon the paper will be absorbed into his mind instantly. The drawback to this power is that the more information he absorbs the greater it strains his mind. If he absorbs too much information at once he stands a risk of passing out. Typically he'll need to wait for several minutes to let his mind relax after absorbing the knowledge of a regularly sized book. Still considerably faster than the time it would take to actually read one. - Inscribe Magic Rick has the ability to create scrolls and other magical parchments capable of unleashing magical effects by triggering the runes imprinted on said parchment. Able to tap into a vast well of various magics Rick can imprint these spells upon various parchments in the form of magical runes. Upon creation of the scroll Rick designates the methods and/or events required to activate said scroll, activating the spell stored within. The only limits to what spells are able to be etched onto paper are that Rick must know and understand the spell he's writing and that Rick must also have the capacity to cast said spell. People other than Rick can use the scrolls/parchments so long as they understand how to activate them. Special Ability: Unknown Equipment: His clothes, Multiple pens and pencils, A pocket protector, A flashlight, His wallet, His cell phone, A roll of clear tape, A clip board and his saber. Minor Skills: He is very steady handed and accurate to boot. He knows a great deal about magic and can utilize a variety of spells. He is trained in saber combat, a style which he is quite deadly in thanks to his fast wits and precise thrusts. He is also nimble, able to dodge fast using his thin frame to his advantage. ~ Statistics ~ Willpower: EX Faith: S+ Mana Capacity: EX Magickal Proficiency: A- Physical Competence: C+ ~ Faction Profile ~ Faction: The Warriors of Divine Light. Rank: B Rank/ Lower 2nd Class. Class: Offensive Magic. Title: N/A Loyalty Level: 6/10 - The ends justify the means... To an extent. ~ Miscellaneous ~ Biography/History: - Notes regarding Rick Brackwall - [hider=Enclosed Incident Photo] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider] "When they found him he had been sitting at the kitchen table. A gun was sitting on the table top. The rest of his family was found dead. It appeared to be a multiple suicide. His left eye was bleeding profusely. It was later discovered to be a knife wound. As the event had tripped the radar agents had been dispatched to locate the child, observe the situation and act from there. They determined it best to extract the child and take him back to headquarters. We had him taken to get his eye healed. They did their best but some staining and scarring remained. Over the years he's adapted quite well to life at the WDL. He puts forth a great effort to better himself both scholastically and in weapons training. His greatest weakness thus far appears to be his strength. He applies his mind well and has decent cardio however he could use to build more muscle. Despite that drawback he's quite well suited to the tasks ahead." - End of notes - [/hider]