* Name: Ragna * Pic/Image: [img] https://78.media.tumblr.com/a27ad7574fb77c873cc9898f99d5d4fb/tumblr_mv2rddqolz1rkya1ko1_500.png [/img] * Personality & Biography: Ragna is a man who grew up on the battlefield. Orphaned before he could even remember, his earliest memories see him looting bodies for anything he can use to survive, until he was taken in by a small band of mercenaries. With this group, he fought and trained himself until the age of seventeen, where he split off on his own. Over the course of the next few years, Ragna saw many sights, some good, but many bad. He fought a lot during that time, and slowly, he began to lose faith in people. He still wishes to do what he can to help it, and he'll protect people he comes across if he sees whatever he's looking for in them, but pragmatism has overtaken compassion for him, leaving him little will to help people if it takes him out of the way of his current goals. In fact, it wouldn't be incorrect to say that [i]most[/i] of his emotions are muted somewhat. They're still there, but they are rarely very intense. That isn't to say there isn't still [i]some[/i] kindness in him, and whenever he [i]does[/i] happen to see something that rekindles his faith in people, even just a little, he will fight tooth and nail to protect it. Also kids. He can't walk past a crying kid to save his life. * Powers, Abilities, & Equips: Over the course of his time as a mercenary, Ragna has honed his physical abilities to great levels, being a lot stronger and more dexterous than many men of his age. He is also skilled in a variety of different weapons. However, his focus is on wielding the glaive and arming sword he keeps on his person. While he will generally only wield one at a time, he is more than capable of wielding both at once, a fighting style which has saved him on more than one occasion. However, off the battlefield he is not particularly intelligent, and he has a bad habit of choosing the absolute worst things to say. * Story Role: Antagonist for Princess