Ter-Bius stood shocked and they both stammered back, [color=ddd000]"Wait, you fought an Empyrean!?"[/color] they both shouted in unison. Their collective minds started working wondering why and for what reason, they wouldn't dream of fighting someone as strong as that. Though seeing Aliya with such injuries and remarks about the fight, brought passion in the boys and they challenged themselves to one day be able to combat an Empyrean. The little Water Seraph mentioned help and before Ter could speak, who happened to step forward from the two in response to Aliya, Kindle stepped forward and put a strong fist on his chest, blocking his path. [color=ff5555]"I'm sorry but I have to prevent their offer before they speak,"[/color] Kindle had immediately changed mood and was more serious than ever. The trio had moved to this city with very little belongings, hoping to find a place away from the hatred and live in peace where Ter-Bius can walk without being discriminated against. All she wanted was to protect them, as strong and as tough as they were, she was their older sister and she felt it right to give them a home they could be comfortable with. And now this Water Seraph of all people is asking for help against the war, to put themselves right where they've been trying to avoid. Kindle was hesitant about an answer and refused the boys to speak. [color=ff5555]"We came here to get away from the war, not fight in it, I'm sorry but there's no good coming out of it if we fight, not for us at leas,"[/color] Kindle had turned around and started pulling Bius by his sash and bring them both out of the alley. Bius didn't budge, and neither did Ter, they stood their ground and brought a point up to their older sister, Bius taking point in the script, [color=ddd000]"No sis." "This is a chance." "For us to make it right." "If she's fighting to stop them." "Then we can help prove that.."[/color] The two spoke together with their arms wrapped around one another, [color=ddd000]"Not all of us are bad."[/color] As young as they were the boys were smart at reading situations. They could tell that the war was a big deal and affected many. That this Water Seraph was trying to stop the war, tested by the Wind Empyrean, they could tell she wasn't getting help anyone anytime soon. That Aliya was working towards big efforts for change. They wanted in on part of that, though convincing their sister was the hardest thing for them to do. Kindle didn't turn around, she kept her back towards the audience that sought her. She was hesitant to respond, her younger brothers words really meant something to her, and they really wanted to make things right across the world, but it was something that was too dangerous for them. She worked hard to get them where they are and they were about to throw it all away. [color=ff5555]"I'm sorry Ter-Bius but no, we're here to keep you guys safe, not run off on some half ass mission that may as well result with us dead in a ditch. We may help anyone who needs it but how do we know she's not part of some cult out to hunt Seraphs such as you down."[/color] She began walking and not another word was needed to be said for the boy to start following her. A heavy depressive mood sat between the twins.