Well after this mission, surely Isago was going to get chewed out by the one who hired him. First his instinct was to be a distraction feeling that the security was too tight to begin with after seeing the guards around the caravan. That was the reason why he decided on being a distraction...he could still be wrong but that was no longer the case. This new nephew of his came out of nowhere when Isago initially wanted to swiftly take the first two guards out and systematically take down the others so that his team could rush and get what they could. [@Sleeth][@SantosGabriel77][@Raptra][@FalkiThomas][@KatherinWinter] Isago looked at the man in white. He was going to jump on his ass for interfering if they survived this. Taunting them? He was going to use that strategy? And now since he's basically issuing a challenge there was no room for talking as this boy was going to be thrown into joining this fight. Taking a quick breath Isago swiftly grabbed his dagger and flung it at the front guard that was not talking, aiming for his neck while quickly after the first throw, Isago pulled his sword out and rushed at the side of the horse that was holding the guard that he threw his dagger at, jumping and using the side of the horse as a stepping wall to launch himself at the guard who was talking, aiming to knock him off the horse with a shoulder tackle and with the positioning of his blade that was held upside down parallel to his forearm, Isago attempted to cut at the man's neck but if not, guard against the man if he tried striking him. This would be the opening for the boy in white to help him take the guards out. This may have not been the wise choice but now, the group was going to have to improvise now. After these first moves, Isago was going to have to pull off some stuff to make sure to keep the fight with him and his partner and possibly Kai unless he stays out of sight. Isago kept in mind his surroundings and what he could use to keep the advantage on his team's side. Now...it was time for action for the rest of his team.