[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PfK0dhg.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/or2hRra.png[/img] [@jynmi88] [/center] As soon as the armored bounty hunter finished her drink, she calmly places it right on the counter and lightly brushes it aside towards her helmet. Samus considers to ask the nearest bartender for another small shot once they happen to get over here, but she doesn't have a need to hurry them on. The drink she had was already refreshing enough as it is. She turns towards Abigail, who seems to be recalling the name somewhere. [color=red][i]"Samus Aran? Samus Aran?"[/i][/color] She asked herself rapidly as to remember the name, until she issues a laugh that was a bit too loud in this circumstance, [color=red]"The names got some ring to it. Not sure if its because I've heard somewhere, or I'm just a fan of the face it's attached to."[/color] [color=fff79a][b]"You may have heard of me..."[/b][/color] Samus answers vaguely as she catches the attention of the same young bartender and signals him for another shot before returning to the conversation, [color=fff79a][b]"But... it's not like what I do is that important anyways... or that I'm really popular anyways."[/b][/color] This redhead was already giving a few mixed signals to the bounty hunter, most of which are... concerning to put it politely. Especially when the woman began to lean even closer towards her, to the point where she's just touching the tip of her comfort zone. Maybe its the fact that she was drunk and that it was just Samus being a little uncomfortable with the situation. It has indeed been a long while since she had stopped at pubs in general, or just the fact that a random female stranger just decided to step right up and chat with her is something rather uncommon for her. Male strangers she's used to, especially when they are cooing her and saying derogatory things, and even girl strangers to a certain degree, but something didn't sit so comfortably here for some reason... But then again, maybe Samus is just being paranoid towards a simple drunkard at this point. But regardless, she shouldn't say anything too much about herself. The girl grins as she begins to rustle with her two giant mugs of alcohol. [color=red][i]"Anyways, you mentioned a rough day, right? So I'm sure you could do with a few more drinks. Nothing gets to the point of R&R than being too tipsy to remember where you live, I always say, or will say from now on."[/i][/color] Once again, the bounty hunter begins to wave her free hand left-to-right denyingly. [color=fff79a][b]"Oh, no thanks,"[/b][/color] Samus begins to respond politely, [color=fff79a][b]"I~"[/b][/color] But she proves to be late on her tongue again as a mug of ale is placed right in front of her. [color=red][i]"Here you go,"[/i][/color] Abigail sighs after planting it down, [color=red][i]"Some grade A ale. The best I"ve tried."[/i][/color] Oh boy, what did she plant herself into now. Samus was never heavily invested into hard alcohol, like beer and liquor, and wasn't a heavy drinker by all means. Sure she does drink occasionally like she's doing now, but only lightly, and always orders something light within the realms of tonics and other fizzily beverages. In fact, she never got drunk in all of her life as she's careful not to let it influence her career. She looks at Abigail gulping down her mug before looking at her's. She slowly picks it up and looks at it carefully. Perhaps a light sip won't hurt. And indeed as she takes a sip, she can feel a familiar fruitiness lather her tastebuds, followed by a light bitterness from the beer. Not half bad, really. However, she avoids taking another sip as she places it back on the counter, just as Abby finishes her's, draining it half-way down. [color=red][i]"Ah. Now that hits the spot."[/i][/color] she breathes. The bounty hunter soon realizes that the redhead's cheeks were beginning to fluster red, signifying clearly that she was undergoing through an alcohol flush reaction (AFR). That wouldn't always mean she's actually getting drunk, as she knows that some people get this way even after taking a sip or finishing only a single glass of alcohol, but considering her attitude earlier looking a little on the tipsy side, clearly she's getting herself more drunk by the minute. [color=red][i]"So you mentioned not staying too long, right?[/i][/color] Abby asks the blonde again to seemingly remind herself. [color=fff79a][b]"Yeah."[/b][/color] Samus nods while slightly fiddling with the large mug. [color=red][i]"I'll admit it'll be a shame to watch you go,"[/i][/color] the redhead continues, "[color=red][i]"But the universe isn't really is big as everyone makes it out to be so I'm not going to worry about that. What I'm more curious about is what it is a fine lass such as yourself, with the kind of equipment you've got on, does for a living?"[/i][/color] She then begins to nudge her eyebrows at the bounty hunter. [color=red][i]"Personally, I'm assuming you're into some kind of mercenary work."[/i][/color] The blonde nods at her response. [color=fff79a][b]"Bounty hunting, if you want to be more specific."[/b][/color] she replies bluntly, calling by her previous occupation in her home universe. She outright avoids mentioning the UUC at this point, especially when in a situation such as this. But it wasn't like she was completely lying at this point... after all, she does make herself open to certain clients outside of the UUC to earn an extra credit or two. Of course, this depends on the target however...