Hostile eyes stared at Eudaxia as the cell door slammed shut behind her. The steps of Tattoo and Lazy eye faded into the distance as the guards walked away, leaving the girl squeezed in with a dozen other inmates of all races. She could see many of them seemed to have endured similar treatment to her, at Wilo's hands. They were a ragged bunch, all crammed shoulder to shoulder in a cell that was far too small. She could spy a small gap towards the back, where room had been left for a burly looking dwarf with what looked like war paint on his face, who occupied the only bench space in the cell, lording over the other prisoners. The sight of the bench made Eudaxia ache all over, and she took a moment to rest against the bars of the cell, catching her breath. During her moment of respite, she spied a group of tieflings huddled in one of the back corners of the cell. One of them, a male whose horns had been cut to stubs, was watching her. He gave her a slight nod as she caught his gaze, suggesting an invitation to join the group. She held his gaze wearily. It wasn't uncommon for tieflings to band together on the streets, keeping to their own. She had been like that too when she was young. A tiny waif, freshly abandoned by her parents, she'd clung to the only kind who didn't curse her and kick her away. Though time and time again, the groups had always stabbed her in the back eventually, using her as bait or abandoning her to angry passers-by. Despite her insistence that tieflings could be trusted in the torture room, she'd learned that she couldn't trust anyone, and had avoided the groups since, working alone. Still, strength in numbers was not something to be turned down in a situation like this, and she gingerly began to edge her way towards the tiefling. "Watch it!" growled a naked faced Dwarf as Eudaxia squeezed by. "Watch where yer goin!" Squeaked a halfling who nearly caught a knee from Eudaxia. "Cursed Tieflings," breathed a man as Eudaxia pushed past. "it ain't my fault we're packed in here like rats!" she exclaimed as she finally made it through the crowd, glaring at anyone too hostile. The tiefling with cut horns greeted Eudaxia. "[i]Ahmens Ra[/i]," he said in traditional infernal greeting. "yo" she replied. Partly to throw him off balance, and partly because of her discomfort with the language. "You're very polite for being in a jail cell." "We may be locked in cages, but we are not animals," he replied in the common tongue. "I guess not. Though they do like treating us like we are. Has Wilo worked on you too?" she said, finally switching to infernal for privacy, and nodding angrily to the stubs on his head. "[i]The horns, was that him?[/i]" The tiefling had a dour look on his face. "[i]Some of us, yes, but alas I seem to be beneath his notice.[/i]" he replied in the infernal tongue. He gestured to his horns. "[i]This was a gift from my former master, one of many gifts I endured before killing him. I am Zercis, by the way.[/i]" "Eudaxia. The pleasure is mine." she replied, skipping over his confession of murder. "[i]Do you know what we're waiting for, in here? do they take people away at all?[/i]" "They come every so often, taking a few out, bringing new ones in... Most will go on before the magistrate, whereas I, and some other unfortunate souls, will be going straight to the chopping block.[i]Tu-ra chok cro'sa[/i]. I go to the Gods." She almost snorted in derision, but restrained herself. "[i]You think the gods care? After everything that's happened to you?[/i]" "[i]I will see soon enough.[/i]" His peace irritated her. If he had killed his master, then why not fight his current oppression? "[i]And you have accepted your fate?[/i]" she egged on. "[i]You don't want to fight back?[/i]" Zercis sighed. "[i]I have fought all my life. All of Amnon was my battleground. I battled the Stoneguard of Gemstone and did not cave. I raided and slaughtered the Khagoni Legions that descended upon my home and my sword could not be sated. I rose up against my masters and broke the chains they thought would bind me. Now.... Now I am tired.[/i]" She fell silent, taken aback. She had underestimated him. He was far stronger than she was. Did this mean she too would give up eventually? She shook the thought from her mind. If he had given up then he was weak. "[i]this sounds like an unworthy end for one such as you. I would make some noise on my way out in your place.[/i]" she said eagerly. This man seemed capable of leading a prison break. It would be the perfect revenge on Wilo and the guards. Plus they might just survive. "[i]And what of the others? They too will perish if you do nothing.[/i]" "Our fates are our own. I intend to march bravely toward death. My final act in this doomed world." She fell back, disappointed. "well... good luck." she said awkwardly. She decided to change the subject. "what's with the dwarf lording over everyone?" "An ill tempered brute," Zercis said. "Claims to be one of the Valhammer Guards of Razor. Best let him lord over his piece of wood." "probably wise." she said falling into silence. After some time, the distinct sound of an unlocking door was heard. Wilo and two guards then appeared before the cell, as well as another; an old man with a snow-white beard, wide brimmed hat, and a blue cloak, trimmed with gold. "Eudaxia," called Wilo. "Step forward." [i]Welp. Time to go.[/i] She thought, giving the tiefling a last nod and making her way carefully to the front. The dark eyed dwarf seethed from his perch. "Oi! Dustran!" He called to the old man. "Why have you not come to release me? Is this how you treat one of the Valhammer?!" "Be still your tongue!" Snapped the old man named Dustran. "King Wroughtiron has forsaken you. You will face justice." "Is that what you think?" Howled the dwarf. "We shall see!" Wilo eyed Eudaxia as she emerged at the front of the cell, turning to Dustran. "This is Eudaxia, your Grace." Dustran stepped forward, pale blue eyes regarding her thoughtfully. [i]Your grace? Could this man be the magistrate?[/i] He didn't look like one, but this was no jailer. "Hello sir" she said, presenting herself and subtly displaying the signs of her torture. Looking down and trying to appear meek before the richly clothed man. Dustran turned to Wilo. "Tell me what you uncovered." "I have doubts of her guilt, and the report of her wielding of magic, your Grace." he said. "And it took torturing this poor girl to foster said doubts?" His eyes looked as though they could bore into glass. "I assure you my methods are sound!" Wilo balked in suprise. "Your methods are obsolete in today's Haven. Release her." the man stated. Relief washed over Eudaxia.[i] I'm getting out[/i]. "Thank you... your grace..." she managed, even attempting a curtsy. One of the guards unlocks the cell, opening the door just enough to pull Eudaxia free, and slamming it shut behind her once more. "But she has yet to see the magistrate!" Wilo protested. "I will take full responsibility," Dustran said. "You would do well to consider your loyalties, Wilo," "I am loyal to Haven, your Grace!" "Ah yes, but the old or the new?" Dustran then turned to the stunned Eudaxia. "Follow me, if you'll please." [i]What is going on?[/i] she wondered. If he wasn't the magistrate, who was this noble with the power to release her? He led Eudaxia out of the corridor, through the initial chamber that houses the stocks. Eudaxia saw fresh faces locked in the stockade, including a bloodied dwarf, unconscious and hanging limply from the binds. [i]Did I look like that?[/i] she thought. she tried to keep up, being careful of her leg, feeling increasingly apprehensive. "Where are you taking me, your grace?" she asked timidly. "To my solar. A friend of yours awaits you." Slight understanding dawned on the urchin. She had no friends. He could only mean one person. She had hoped that Shaemus might speak up for her at her trial, but if he had been able to outright secure her release, the priest had more credit than she had given him. Dustran lead the way through what looked like a receiving office. Judging by its cleanliness, she guessed it belonged to Wilo. The old man went behind the desk and opened a cabinet. Within were her possessions. "Help yourself to your items," he said, stepping aside. She stepped forward, touching her things, relieved to see her worldly possessions intact. She picked up her gear and strapped on her armour, feeling safer in the leather. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised the money is gone." she sighed. She was a penniless pauper once more. "I would guess your purse has been forwarded to the magistrate." suggested the man, who she now guessed must be some high ranking priest. "Likely a fine is a forgone conclusion in his mind." "getting out of here is the important thing." she said, though she was still bitter. Her money had been taken even before her case was heard. "I'm ready." Dustran's eyes looked Eudaxia up and down before he reached into his robe, pulling out a vial. "Here. Take this. It's a potion of healing and we have some stairs to climb. Can't have you passing out on me." A shadow of a smile appears behind his snowy beard. She took the vial and eyed it with slight distrust as she unstopered it, her paranoia not trusting the mysterious liquid. He had been stern with Wilo, but this Dustran seemed friendly enough. In the end she decided she didn't have much of a choice, and quaffed the potion. Invigoration coursed through her, washing away her pains and bruises. She gasped as she felt her leg mend, the throbbing subsiding to nothing. "Alright lets go." she said, feeling reborn. "A few stairs are nothing after the morning I've had." Dustran then lead her up a spiralling staircase. It seemed to wind up forever. Both of them breathless, they came to a door at last. He pushed it open revealing a courtyard. A carriage awaited them, drawn by two magnificent white horses. Four horseman waited by the carriage as well, sitting atop chestnut steeds. They seemed different from typical watchmen, donned in shining armor and red robes fastened about their shoulders.[i] Knights?[/i] she wondered. "Your carriage awaits, your Grace." One said as they approached. "My thanks, Ser Arthur. We make for the Castle of Lords." He then turned to Eudaxia. "We may part here if that is your wish, Eudaxia. However I would very much like an audience with you. Shaemus awaits us at the castle and I believe you would be interested in what I have to say." [i]An... audience with[/i] me[i]?[/i] she thought, stunned. Just who was this man? The priesthood had been a joke until a few years back, this could not all be the influence of the church. She cringed before the shiny knights and opulent carriage, overwhelmed. Her instinct was to flee, and he was giving her a way out. She knew she should take it. But she had been rescued, and she hated being in debt. This was the third time she'd been invited to see Shaemus, and she still needed answers about her magic. Looking at the carriage, she realised this was an opportunity she might never have again. "Alright" she said hesitantly, feeling like she was climbing into another cage. "I'll come." Dustran opened the door for Eudaxia, climbing in after her. "Take some rest, my dear. You must be tired. We will be at the castle before you know it." She didn't want to let her guard down in this strange environment, but her experiences weighed on her heavily. A healing potion was no substitute for food and sleep. With its soft seating, the carriage was more comfortable than anything she'd ever been in. Reluctantly she let her eyes droop as she descended into slumber.