Jax sat quietly in the waiting room with a cup of hot coffee cupped in her hand. Part of her face, including her left eye was bandaged, stitching holding up the scar beneath it. Cosmetically she would never look the same, but luckily the eye was saved. She stared into the dark liquid thinking back to the last bit of the fight. Morthos protecting her from a wolf and declaring she was 'his.' Ophelia tearing the rest of the wolves a new one. She let out a sigh and sat up looking over at Morthos softly, not knowing what to say. She grimaced, taking a sip of the coffee before she placed it on the table before her, not liking what she had to do. She stood up and stretched slightly before turning back about to say something. She paused, shutting her eyes/eye and then spoke evenly, a slight bit of fear leaking into her words,"[color=39b54a]Look I appreciate you saving me Morthos and I care for you very very deeply okay... but...I don't belong to anyone. I'm not your girlfriend, you aren't mine and I am not yours. Got it.[/color]" She opened her eyes and changed her tone, "[color=39b54a]Look I don't want to fight with you or let our relationship overshadow what we did. I still like you. I want to have fun with you, but 'mine' is a little too close to the love boundary that I absolutely will not cross.[/color]" She walked back to pick up her coffee and downed the remains, a slight burn moving down her throat before she moved over to lean down in front of him, "[color=39b54a]However as said...Thank you for saving me, it was incredibly brave and very very sexy.[/color]" She leaned up and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before she stood up and crossed her arms looking up at the clock, "[color=39b54a]He should be up any time now I am thinking.[/color]" Suddenly a booming voice comes up behind Jax, "[color=00a651]JAX? IS THAT YOU UNDER ALL THAT BLOOD![/color]" Jax turned to see her [url=https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/JQ_ApKqHl-HuLKEb7InmRVfcS6wSM--CWKEDu7HnuR4/https/i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/99/d7/0b99d75a571a860741951e7fab15e0ae.jpg?width=387&height=473]dad[/url] walking into the room with [url=http://thewallpaper.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/view-dark-dress-girls-retrohd-images-fantasy-women-digital-art-vampire-femalesgothic-stock-images-768x480.jpg]mom[/url] in tow. She walked over smiling, "[color=39b54a]Dad? Is that you under all that hair?[/color]" He gave her a wide smile and tousled her hair before giving her a light hug. She then turned to mom and gave her a warm, but confident smile, "[color=39b54a]Mom. Looking absolutely gorgeous as usual.[/color]" Mom looked over her with a neutral expression, before giving a light smile, "[color=f49ac2]Did you expect anything less?[/color]" Jax rolled her eyes, but laughed, "[color=39b54a]Of course not. It's nice seeing you guys. Oh this is Morthos![/color]" She turned waving over to him, "[color=39b54a]He's my..[/color]" Dad interrupted holding out his hand, "[color=00a651]Your boyfriend! Oh, thank god we were really worried you would continue with that 'I will be single until I find the strongest man alive' charade you put up. Welcome to the FAMILY, SON![/color]" Jax blushed three tones of red, "[color=39b54a]DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is not my boyfriend. We are friends.[/color]" Dad blinked, whilst mom looked at Morthos evenly, "[color=00a651]Oh okay Jax..whatever you say.[/color]" He shook Morthos' hand, "[color=00a651]Take care of my daughter.[/color]" Jax slapped her legs in frustration.