Faceclaim: [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ0MzA3MjUzNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzkyNzc4OQ@@._V1_UY317_CR25,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img] Name: Walt Grismer Species: Human Height: 5'10' Weight: 180 lbs Gender: Male Sexuality: Undecided Body Type: Slim Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: light brown Skin Color: white Relationship Status: N/A Personality: Walt has a hard time displaying his emotion, he always wants to interact with others but is constantly seen as uninterested, his tone gets dry and he can seem distant, but is actually very attentive, he also is always up for anything, even if he doesn't seem so, and can usually be convinced to do anything quite easily. Walt loves to joke with friends but it sometimes can take a while to get his sense of humor. Walt does have a difficult time talking with people though he can be seen having full conversations to Aveline, his pistol, constantly as he fidgets with her and cleans her meticulously. Fighting Style: Walt is a mid ranged fighter, his weapons limited range prevents him from staying at a distance, but when confronted in close quarters he is still capable of managing to fight back, often he will use his weapon to disorient foes or create distance, either way he prefers to remain in a moderate distance. To utilize his weapons magical properties requires time that he cannot get in melee. Hobbies - Brewing - gunsmithing - tinkering Habits - He fidgets with his weapon constantly - drinking - he is often early to everything, sometimes uncomfortably so. Likes - thunder storms - mechanical engineering - jazz and blues - seafood - Alcohol - Hunting Dislikes - Winter - being cold in general - overly aggressive people - nightclubs Fears - Walt has an irrational fear of water, he can swim, though he would just much rather not be in natural bodies of water. Bio: Walt grew up with an appreciation for the little things, the slums he lived in made that a necessity. As a child Walt was seen as what could only be described as a savant, if not a tad autistic, his grasp of machinery was evident early in life as he constantly disassembled and reassembled anything that he could get a hand around, this talent was soon getting him into trouble, he would disassemble locks and small generators, many of which never belonged to him in the first place, but as long as it was a piece that he needed he would risk it. Walts adult life was average, he spent his teen years tinkering with machinery until he developed a custom still that enabled him to start making alcohol, which in turn only drove him to further his tinkering, this time into the realm of combustion engines. Walt was proud of his talents but still he had a hard time marketing himself to better his situation, he tried to bring in people to help him get a bar opened, possibly a machinist shop, something to get him out of the waters of obscurity and into the technical limelight. A man by the name of Burdreau was soon a knight in shining armor of sorts, he took the time to speak with Walt and really understand what it was he could do, but a brewery or a shop was not on Burdeau's list, what he wanted was to bring Walt on as a tech specialist in his band of criminals, he had a heist in mind that would take a man of skill like this. Walt was unsure of what the man was talking about, he didn't get the nuance of the offer, all he understood and all he cared about was that Burdreau was offering money and fame, all to be exactly what Walt wanted to be anyway, so he accepted. The heist was simple Burdreau and his team would stake out the mark and Walt was just to build a drill to bust a huge safe, Burdreau funded him and gave him the tools to build it, and Walt loved it, when the time came, Walt was right there, as soon as the vault was open, the crew went in, money, jewels, anything worth anything was there, but Walt, for as much as he wanted the money, the only thing that stood out to him was a gun, a revolver decorated with intricate inscriptions, Walt took the weapon and put it under his coat. Burdreau and his team left and all celebrated the heist it was incredible that it went so well, so easy, or at least that was what they thought until the police arrived. The interrogation was intense and difficult, Walt was uncooperative throughout the process, but when it was revealed that the entire team put him as the key figure to the heist Walt saw what this truly was, however, he wasn't jailed, no, he was left in the interrogation room until a graying figure came in, he sat down across from Walt and then set a box on the table. "Tell me, of all the priceless objects in my vault you chose a pistol, unassuming and moderately plain. You took no money yourself, no jewels, just the gun." Walt looked at the man and the box, the gun had been the only thing he wanted. "I wanted make it work." Walt whispered, but the man heard, the man smiled at him a moment then he open the box, inside was the gun that Walt had stolen, a velvet lined case held it there. Walt tried to reach out to it but his restraints stopped him. The older man looked at him and said, "She took a liking to you, lord knows that we haven't been friends in a long time, but I still trust her, as you should, I want you to take her and please... no more stealing." The mans kind smile was odd, he wasn't mad, he even dropped the charges against him and gave him the gun. Walt left the station with the man, the man turned to Walt. "My name in Salivar Vinse, I have given you a tool, however you need to gain the skill to use it, she will help you learn, but I will also be sending you to a school, I am not doing this for you personally, but... as amends to Aveline." This was how Walt came into possession of the pistol Aveline, and his enrollment in Forever Worthy. Description of Weapon: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://www.percussionrevolvers.com/480-002[/img] [/hider] Weapon Name: Aveline Weapon Type: Revolver Weapon Personality: Aveline is a Comforting Voice to Walt, she in a since acts as his life coach in a sense. From the moment they met, Aveline knew that he was the kind of person to obsess over something, though instead of taking advantage of his obsessive nature, she relies on it, she has been damaged greatly and so she ejoys knowing that Walt will never let her go or forget her, she is almost like a jealous girlfriend and will steer Walt away from relationships that she thinks may wind up causing him to forget her. Weapon abilities: Avelines trait is her enchanted chamber, with a word the wielder may take a moment to enchant the next shot with a minor effect. Byrne: The next round exits the barrel as a bolt of flame. Beorht: the next round dissapates and becomes a flash of blinding light Flan: The next round flies from the barrel and moves to the target accurately, ignoring gravity and wind. (Can still miss, just magically removes environmental factors.) Brytsen: The next round explodes from the barrel like bird shot. Swigge: The next shot is fired silently. Relationship with owner: Aveline cares about what happens to Walt, he is the first owner she has had that she can truly say she trusts. She guides Walt in his life to try and help him make better decisions to further his lot, seeing as she can tell that his issues with interaction are his downfall, though the two of them never have issues communicating, something about the disembodied voice thing actually helps their situation a bit. Weapon Bio: Aveline was not always a pistol, originally she was a long spear, and she was used by a powerful lord, though as time passed and swords became plowshares, she too was forgotten, time had left this weapon of war behind, as she was passed down time and time again, if she was used at all she was soon left to waste. in this more modern era a man known as Salivar Vinse, acquired her and made a promise, he would bring her out of obscurity and make her relevant again. So he reforged her, a torturous process, into the weapon she is now, though through it all she thought that it was worth it, Salivar carried her always, and she was happy, until he, as many before, set down his arms for a life outside of war. Aveline waited in anger until a machinist, shattered the door to her vault and stole her away, his eyes only for her, she would find her way back to him somehow, no matter what she had to say when Salivar recovered her, and still, she will not tell Walt what she said in all.