[quote=@Metamore] [I]One[/i] binder, [i]two[/i] hearing aids, [i]three[/i] layers of warm clothing, [i]four[/i] strapped-in pokéballs, and [i]five[/i] attempts at a cheesy speach later and Rin was back on the main road between Zurest and Sunsay. Wind at their back and their goal ahead of them, Rin confidently marched forward. They'd definitely made a lot of progress yesterday through all of their ill-advised running, but with all of their backtracking Rin just hoped they could get to Sunsay before sunset. They probably could, but Rin's perception of travel time was greatly skewed by having only taken a ferry between far distances before. Rin had never walked this far from home in their life. It was exciting though! One never knew what they'd encounter, and the possibilities were endlessly growing with each step they took. Would they bump into a trainer? Would they stumble across a Legendary? Would nothing hinder their journey forward at all? Rin didn't know, and that was the best part of it all. This was an adventure! They were a Pokémon Trainer! This was everything they've ever dreamed of. [/quote] Rin walked through the hills for quite a while without seeing any Pokemon. No doubt some Senrets were lurking around in hiding though. It wasn't until the sun was high in the sky with the town visible in the distance, that Run saw a Pokemon. It was a [url=https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Phanpy_(Pok%C3%A9mon)]Phanpy[/url]. The little creature came walking out from behind a rock. Boom, trainer and wild Pokemon made eye contact. Phanpy did his best to pretend this didn't happen however. He slowly, [u][i][b]carefully[/b][/i][/u] walked backward behind the safety of his rock. Maybe if he was lucky, the trainer would just keep moving. He closed his eyes and pretended he was invisible. [hider=Bonus Info: Please Read] This careful Phanpy is at [b]level 17[/b]. [/hider]