Walking through the shopping centre had presented everyone with a fusillade of advertising materials on their AR systems, the PDE's of the stores had been unaffected by The Blackout and thus wherever one looked within the near deserted shopping mall a pop-up window would appear to market now obsolete goods. The adverts seemed archaic and yet utopian, the most sophisticated ones showed video footage of the stores wares or indeed of the shopping centre itself as the bustling commerce centre it had once been. Truly that was a thing of the past now. Without active heating the smooth, polished floors had taken all too eagerly to the coating of snow that had invaded in and would have been un-walkable had it not been for the silt of broken glass that acted as grit for grip. Heaven forbid anyone fall though, the injuries produced would be heinous. The bus station was much the same. As everyone stepped on to the vehicle the floating amber line indicating the route to take flickered for a moment before changing course dramatically, the AR having taken a moment to realise they were planning to travel by vehicle and compensating accordingly. At the back the bus, by its rear left wheel, came the pungent smell of petrol fumes indicating that much of the petrol had been requisitioned from the vehicle. Judging by the intensity of the smell however there would be plenty enough to set the engine running for a short time at least. A couple of passers by stopped to watch idly as the group boarded the bus, probably wondering what they intended to do with the bus, it wasn't exactly an ideal spot for squatting come nightfall. Anna, McDonald and Winterbourne all boarded the bus in quick succession. John waited until everyone had boarded before pulling the once automatic doors closed. "Looks like we're already getting attention from the locals. That being said, doesn't take much I guess as there's precious little entertainment at the moment."