Tiberius breathed sharply, deeply, a cough escaped his parched throat. The knight felt stone beneath his hands, not the soft dirt where he had previously been. He opened his eyes, everything was fuzzy and his head was ringing like the morning after too much drink. Except, he didn't think he had been drinking at all, not since before his quest began. "My quest?" he muttered out loud, in a raspy voice. There was something familiar about the word, but he couldn't place it, but it felt important to him in a way he couldn't describe. He slowly brought himself to his knees and checked the surroundings. He was in a dark alley, garbage and debris littered the place, while the sudden smell almost gagged him. He thought he could hear noises, but they were distant. Above him there were sheets of cloth covering the length of the alley in a patchwork pattern. It was odd. He then found his long sword, glowing with a soft pale light, next to him. He grabbed it and felt a sense of calm wash over him. The ringing in his head vanished altogether and he felt his strength begin to return. Tiberius next stood up slowly, he wasn't sure where he was or where his shield was but as long as he could walk, he'd be alright. The alley was longer then he thought, but as soon as he rounded a well lit corner, sunlight blinded him but in its warmth he felt better. Once his eyes were adjusted to the light, he was stricken with surprise at what was before him. It was a market square, or had been once, now it lay in ruins. Tiberius gripped his sword tighter as he walked through the rubble, it had been a recent attack. He smelt smoke, fire was burning somewhere close by and saw the signs of a stampede or something akin to it. Probably people running in the same direction, or it was something worse. The Paladin Knight was confused. Where exactly was he? He could only remember a forest, and something dark before being in a ruined city in the daytime. His train of thought was broken by the sounds of distant yelling and thus he ran towards them on alert. Tiberius found himself weaving and dodging debris with an ease he had never seen before, and he was faster, he was sure of it. Within no time, the shouting became more distinct, the sounds of battle were never far away it seemed. He reached a clearing of some sort, a large palace was in the distance but before him were men fighting each other. Or so it appeared. Half of the men wore what appeared to be some sort of guard uniform and they were driven up against a wall by stone men of some sort. Without really thinking, Tiberius ran towards the stone men in a burst of speed, and swung with impunity. He cut them down with speed and efficiency before they could even turn on him. Then he turned towards the guardsmen, who stared at him the mixed expressions. Some looked thrilled to be saved, others looked bewildered. He spoke out loud, "I am Paladin Knight Tiberius Longshadow, and I ask you all, what is going on here?" The guardsmen looked confused, and began looking at each other. Tiberius spoke again, "Come now, surely one of you knows whats going on here?" One of the guardsmen finally stepped forward and looked at him funny before talking. Except Tiberius didn't know what the man was saying, he couldn't understand him. He stood there dumbfounded before realization suddenly dawned upon him, he was no where close to home..