Although not normally one for straightforward attacks, given the situation he thought it prudent to execute a quick and easy move that could potentially end the battle right then and there without much showmanship involved on his part. Anyone familiar with fencing could recognize this basic move, although how well an unarmed woman could counter him remained to be seen, especially with the speeds he was capable of and if his ferocity could catch her off guard. Just as she got within lunging distance he lashed out to do exactly that, his sword arm straightening into a thrusting maneuver with the point of his blade aimed straight towards her heart. At the same time his front foot kicked outward to land back down onto the ground with his knee at a near right angle, his back leg pushing his body forward to close the distance between the two combatants. He was committed into the lunge until his forward foot had landed and the stab was complete, but afterwards he knew if the attack didn’t land a critical blow he would have to quickly recuperate and execute his next move, whatever it may be based on her reaction. He tried to keep this attack as light as a lunge could be, enough to pierce through an unarmed woman such as herself but not continue with all the force he could muster barreling through her, as that would be overkill and leave it harder for him to recover. He saw some of what she was capable of, but over committing when he didn’t know all of her secrets could be a fatal mistake.