"Oh I don't know shit about it?" Des didn't seem ready to back off yet, even though he'd gotten what he wanted. Cin was to come along on a heist, finally. Hopefully that would be enough to calm her. Even if things went back a pace afterwards, there was the chance Kacey would see Cin's potential though and start giving her a bit more responsibility in the gang's actions. But right now, he didn't see her as the gang leader. He saw her as petulant and throwing a fit, and he didn't have the patience for that. Des wasn't one to willingly suffer those he called fools. He didn't back down, instead stepping forward and growling, "Blood or not, that girl is my sister much as Laura is yours. You telling me you wouldn't go toe to toe for her much as you pretend otherwise? Not buying it, I'm calling bull. And I'm not askin you to take responsibility for us. We may run in your gang but you don't own us. Cin'll prove she's useful herself, I won't have to do nothin. And all you gotta do? Is stay out of her way when she steps up. She ain't your sister, she's mine, and I'm not gonna let you kick her down because that's how you got Laura under your boot or whatever the hell other reason you might have." He stopped rather abruptly, already turning away from Kacey and scowling in annoyance with his own inability to keep his mouth shut. "Say the word when you wanna move out." He said in a louder voice over his shoulder, already walking briskly in the direction he had seen Laura and Cin head off in to go shoot. "We'll be ready."