I came to drop by and say there is a certain brand of humor to be derived from someone proclaiming "Prove that there always will be leaders." and "Prove that everyone constantly wants more." all while supporting and advocating a system that basically is theory at its absolute best and in itself has no real world applicability or proof, then speak about something else altogether. Ignoring that people cannot function without leadership or are utterly predispositioned by nature alone to desire more even when enough is already sufficient, a few interesting things happened in the real world yesterday. While people were busy paying attention to things that do not matter - Sessions' stance on the legalization of marijuana, the Bannon debacle, the "Bigger Button" issue - they are reopening several cases, one of which is directed toward the [url=https://archive.is/WalT6]Clinton Foundation[/url] as well as the blatant misuse and improper procedures related to classified material, to include confirming that Comey's actions were in themselves illegal. There is also confirmation from several Freedom of Information Act mandates that [url=https://foia.state.gov/searchapp/DOCUMENTS/Litigation_F-2016-07895_30/F-2016-07895/DOC_0C06174163/C06174163.pdf]prove[/url] they knew all along exactly what they were doing the entire time; you can read some declassified, obviously redacted, Classified information [url=https://foia.state.gov/search/results.aspx?publishedBeginDate=20180104&publishedEndDate=20180104]here[/url] due to those requests. One of the more entertaining things is that they discuss stored and backed up information. But it does not end there, no, rather the infamous records of Fusion GPS [url=https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/04/fusion-gps-house-intel-records-325396]will[/url] be delivered despite the lengthy efforts to prevent it. Yet the momentum has continued elsewhere, as Manafort has begun a lawsuit against the Department of Justice, namely Mueller and Rosenstein, for their overreaching of boundaries about the proposed collusion of Donald Trump and the Russian government. In fact, the filing is even [url=https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4343227/1-3-18-Manafort-v-DOJ-Complaint.pdf]available[/url] at this moment, strongly suggesting he has largely been cleared of any proposed wrongdoing based upon his motion to file suit. Also, [url=https://i.redd.it/8w9twsu7m8801.jpg]something for everyone[/url], which we should all be pleased with.