Misty looked around the campsite, he was gone! Where had he gone? Did something get him! Just as she was about to ask Erick to track him Shane came out of the woods and tackled Erick. They struggled for a while, but Shane came out on top. Misty had a feeling that if they were in water it would be a different story. "STOP!" She screamed wanting Shane to get off Erick. If Erick didn't like him he would tell her father and she wouldn't be allowed away from the Shimmer unsupervised. "Who the hell are you?" Erick growled struggling under the human above him. Misty could tell Erick wasn't happy with being pinned down. "Shane that's Erick, he's a friend. Erick this is Shane. I didn't lie. There wasn't anyone else on the island." She frowned chewing on her lower lip a little. "He just came to make sure I was ok. Please get off him so I can fix your arm!"