Oh hell no. Oh [i][b]hell[/b][/i] no. Anger washed away whatever tears had been threatening to spill, and now she was running on pure bitterness and hate. Kacey didn't let him get very far before grabbing his shirt and turning him to face her, using the momentum of him turning to add to the already powerful slap she had built up. She may not be the tallest, most intimidating person, but she was strong, and a blow from her was not something one could shake off very quickly, especially one that was fueled by anger. It wasn't the most mature thing she'd ever done, but at the moment she didn't really care. Kacey was far past her breaking point, and her temper was at an all new level of foul, and someone was going to pay for setting her off. "Listen here you little bitch. I don't give a fuck about your relationship with your sister, or how close you are. You don't know shit about [i]my[/i] relationship with [i]my[/i] sister. You don't know what we've gone through, what kind of shit we've had to get past with each other, and you sure as hell don't know how I treat her. You think I kick my sister around? That I force her into things? Yeah right. No one can tell Laura what to do, especially not me. She made that very clear a long time ago, which is something you'd know if you could get your head out of your ass long enough to look around and see how things function around here. It goes something like this: I give the orders, everyone else follows the orders, if someone has a problem with the orders they can discuss it with me, but they don't forget who they're talking to. I don't "own" you, but you work for me, and you will never talk to me like that again or you will get a hell of a more than a slap. I'm not in the mood to deal with an asshole that's obsessed with his sister, so shut up and go get ready for the heist." She finally finished, shoving him away. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Alex stared at her for a long time, trying to place what was off about what she was saying, and then it hit him and he smirked. "You see, Emily, the problem with lying to someone you know is that they know you well enough to learn the signs that you're lying. For instance, you get this little glint in your eye whenever you think you have someone where you want them and you start playing with them. Which means you're lying about the cups, which means you owe me $5." He replied with a grin at himself, for finally figuring out what was setting him off. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a heist to prepare for." And with that he walked off to go get his stuff ready, satisfied that he had solved the mystery of the broken cups. He heard someone arguing, and looked over just in time to see Kacey slap Desmond. [i]Oh shit...[/i] The last time he'd seen Kacey go off like that, it had been when Maverick had blatantly disobeyed her orders. He had definitely deserved it, and generally Kacey didn't lose her temper unless someone did something earning it. However, Des didn't seem like the type to push people's buttons. Unless they got into a fight about their sisters, which was completely possible. He sighed and shook his head at them, watching the scene unfold.