[Hider=The Shattered Moon Clan (WIP)] [b]Clan Name:[/b] The Shattered Moon Clan [b]Jarl/Chief/King Name & Description:[/b] Daigon Shadow-Caller, Jarl of Sepulchrave and the Gravemire [b]Alias:[/b] The Coward [b]Government Type:[/b] feudal petty kingdom [b]Non-Human Species Descriptions:[/b] [u]Gravemire Trolls:[/u] There are many varieties of troll found throughout Azoth, and they are particularly common in the hot-spring warmed boglands of the Gravemire, where plentiful lizards and fish can be hunted even in deep winter. Troll tribes make travel in Shattered Moon lands particularly treacherous, but the beast-tamers of the Clan have perfected the art of troll-slaving. Armed and armored in crude iron -often their limbs are replaced with weaponry- and goaded by the lash of cruel masters, Shattered Moon trolls are fearsome beserker-troops in battle. Battle trolls and beastmasters with the skill to control them are one of the Shattered Moon's chief exports- hired for use in battle by other Clans, Drathan lords and even Salished commanders. [Hider=Gravemire Troll][img]http://c-7npsfqifvt34x24wjhofuufx2ex78jljbx2eopdppljfx2eofu.g00.wikia.com/g00/3_c-7fmefstdspmmt.x78jljb.dpn_/c-7NPSFQIFVT34x24iuuqtx3ax2fx2fwjhofuuf.x78jljb.opdppljf.ofux2ffmefstdspmmtx2fjnbhftx2f5x2f59x2fVefgszluf.qohx2fsfwjtjpox2fmbuftux3fdcx3d31231236224732_$/$/$/$/$/$/$/$?i10c.ua=1[/img][/Hider] [u]Giants:[/u] WIP [u]The Bog-Childer, "Boglings":[/u] Twisted abhumans not much larger than human children, the boglings may have been men once, but were mutated by millenia of exposure to Ichor springs in the Mire. Feral bog-childer tribes prowl the swamplands for carrion and easy prey, using rudimentary weapons as well as their talons to hunt. The Shattered Moon Clan have long used and bred (the females are grotesque bog-queens) domesticated Childer as slaves, servants and fodder-soldiers in battle, and regard them with affectionate contempt. Other Clans find the use of hundreds of chittering slave-fodder in battle unmanful, but the Shattered Moon has no such scruples. A common rite of passage in the Clan is to throw an aspiring warrior, unarmed, into a fighting pit filled with half-starved boglings. Many a Shattered Moon thane, therefore, bears plenty of the tell-tale talon-scars and bitemarks from the Childer, but it is quite rare to come across a Shattered Moon warrior without at least one of the vile little monsters cringing at his side, awaiting his bidding. Every few decades, boglings will become fashionable as pets or servants among the wizards of the Union, and the Shattered Moon will sell cages full of the creatures to the Southrons at huge profit, though they fare poorly in the harsh Ashlands where the Drathans dwell. [hider=Bog Childer] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/witcher/images/b/b2/Tw3_cardart_monsters_nekker1.png/revision/latest?cb=20170425202850[/img] [/hider] [b]Location:[/b] The Gravemire [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/8/84/Vc_Grim_Moor_01_06_Daarken.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151214065448[/img][/center] The Gravemire is a large region of boggy hill-land to the south of the low mountains of the Splinters. Hot springs and geysers keep the waters of the extensive swampland perpetually warm, even in the brutal northern winter, giving the Mire a fecund ecosystem capable of supporting many species of dangerous predators, including trolls, [url=http://c-7npsfqifvt34x24wjhofuufx2ex78jljbx2eopdppljfx2eofu.g00.wikia.com/g00/3_c-7x78judifs.x78jljb.dpn_/c-7NPSFQIFVT34x24iuuqtx3ax2fx2fwjhofuuf.x78jljb.opdppljf.ofux2fx78judifsx2fjnbhftx2fgx2fggx2fUx784_kpvsobm_uif_upbe_qsjodf.qohx2fsfwjtjpox2fmbuftux3fdcx3d31262212204559_$/$/$/$/$/$/$/$?i10c.ua=1]ichor-toads[/url], and the man-eating [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/5b23/i/2009/156/6/f/kumpeesigha__croc_lion__male_by_gandharvasstudio.jpg]swamp gaan[/url], smaller cousins of the ferocious gaan lizards of the southern deserts. [b]Religion:[/b] The Shattered Moon worship the full pantheon of Broken Lands deities. Among the nobility, particular devotion is given to Harkon, Lord of the Night Sky & the Keeper of the Dead and his wife, Ylwan, Queen of Blood & Sorcery. Sepulchrave boasts the greatest temple to Harkon in all the Broken Lands. The Quiet Sisters, an order of priestesses devoted to Ylwan and the study of her Arts, house their biggest priory in Gravemire, under the patronage and protection of the Jarl. They are famed as healers, soothsayers, concubines and- it is rumored- necromancers. [b]Clan Description:[/b] The Shattered Moon are the ancient rivals of neighboring Clan Stonecutter, and have long been a major threat to the power of the Stonecutter line of High Kings. Proud of their ancient lineage and secure in their swampland base, the Jarls of the Shattered Moon Clan have long been a reactionary voice for the independence of the Clans from the decrees of Kingsport, and for the rights of the aristocracy against freedom for thralls and slaves. It is only their repeated losses to the armies of Stonecutter and their allies, along with the occasionally greater threat of Salished invasion, that has kept Shattered Moon, however nominally, part of the fold. Most recently, Shattered Moon armies were fought to a standstill by the battered armies of a young Aigoth Stone Foot, returning from Sentinel after beating back the most recent Salished incursion north. Daigon Shadow-Caller ambushed the battle-weary Stonecutter host, but Aigoth was able to rally his thanes and carve a path through the hordes of Shattered Moon boglings, trolls and thrall-soldiers to the treacherous Jarl himself. Daigon called a retreat as the High King neared his ranks, not wishing- according to the official Stonecutter account- to risk his line of thanes and picked clan-warriors in an even confrontation, earning for himself the moniker "Coward" that he carries to this day. Aigoth exiled Daigon from the Broken Lands, and the Jarl spent the subsequent years of the High King's reign in the south with a band of one thousand of his most loyal men, serving the sorcerous dictator of Zar Dratha- Athalus daz Venym- as mercenaries. The Coward's Men, as the host came to be called, earned a fearsome reputation in the many internecine Drathan conflicts, skirmishes against the Salished Empire, and finally in the most recent war between the Union and the Empire, in which Daigon served the Union as one of its foremost generals, becoming infamous among the commanders of the Salished Empire. In his absence, the Shattered Moon Clan remained quiescent, ruled by Daigon's wife Cythlla, who has proven herself to be a canny and ruthless politician, managing to outmaneuver an attempted coup by Daigon's younger brother Raas, whom she had eaten by swamp-gaans. Since the end of the war in the South and the death of Aigoth, Daigon has returned with his battle-hardened legion, now composed not only of the original clan-warriors, but of sellswords from across Azoth who became loyal to the Coward during his many years in exile. Daigon so far has remained quiet, though his return in the midst of a power-vacuum has made many of the Clans wary. [i][more to be filled in as the setting develops][/i] [b]Important Characters:[/b] Daigon Shadow-Caller, the Coward: Exiled Jarl of Gravemire, with the reputation as a skilled and seasoned commander. Daigon was rumored to have a knack for spellcasting well before his exile to the South and his many years of service to Drathan wizards. Smiles the Bogling: Daigon's faithful servant and squire of many years, rumored to be kept alive for so long- and in conditions hostile to his kind-by sorcery. Cythlla, Lady of Gravemire [i](more to come)[/i] [b]Important Holdings/Territory/Possessions:[/b] Sepulchrave & the Fanghall Barrow Town Castle Uderfrykte [b]Relation to other Factions:[/b] TBD [/Hider]