[center][img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2acb29_fa36a34f881e413c8d316bd2cf98dbe6~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_564,h_846,al_c,q_85/2acb29_fa36a34f881e413c8d316bd2cf98dbe6~mv2.webp[/img] [/center] [center][color=yellow]Reinold Sul'athar[/color] is a name feared amongst many. He was death incarnate. Where he walked, his blade [color=red]would never dry[/color]. A [color=black]trail of bodies[/color] remained in his wake. The name "[color=green]Sul'athar[/color]" came from an ancient dialect -- meaning "[color=red]Gods' Fury[/color]." They believed that Reinold was the act of a forgotten goddess -- Ner --, and that he was augmented with her power. It was by his overwhelming strength that he won a war that threatened to destroy his homeland and her people. But, it was at no small price.[/center] [center][b][color=red]Conflict in the Dragon's Maw[/color][/b][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yte8tAx.jpg[/img] [/center] As his homeland's reach ran too far, civil war erupted. Men who were too tired of living under the boots of an untouchable caste rose to strike them down. Farm were drenched with blood. Soldiers and commoners littered the ground, where their atrocities would render the land barren for generations to come. As the soldiers sworn to protect and uphold any semblance of order fought and died for their cause, many independent branches were faced with a grim decision. Which side would they take? Would they have to slay their own kin? Many withheld from choosing, as Ner's Shield did. A religious sect had no place in a war, after all. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NQ57PeX.jpg[/img][/center] When the war first began, Reinold prepared and prepared. He sought to learn everything he could, to be as ready as he could for the battles to come. However, the Shield was not to partake in the war. They were an order of pacifists, and were to uphold that principle to the death in Ner's name. As time went by, more and more innocent lives paid the price of the order's code. On the day that Reinold was given the title of Templar -- the second-highest rank among those in the Shield -- he made a choice. No code, no forbidden action would outweigh the lives lost each day the religious order stood by. By night, he slipped away from the Shield's temple, and made for the frontlines. Though he discarded the Shield's sigil, it was clear the moment he stepped forth into Commander-Knight Theseus' camp that he was no mere peasant looking to earn his pay. During the campaign to retake the border, Reinold stood unmatched in combat. Through countless trials, he outperformed his commander's expectations, and earned the fear of his opponents. From the first battle to the last, he stood with his fellow soldiers. When the campaign ended, there were few who didn't recognize Reinold as a hero. However, Ner's Shield was not oblivious to his actions. When he returned to the temple, they placed him on trial. He was expelled from the order, and was told that Oner would no longer tolerate his presence on its soil. He had saved the war effort, but at the cost of his life's dedication. Reinold was no longer a child of Ner. He would not longer devote his life to her will. [center][b][color=cyan]What became of him?[/color][/b][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vsKbt0r.jpg[/img][/center] On that same night, he was sent over across the border into the world unknown; to hide like a coward, or find an honorable death. Reinold now wanders without a purpose; a blade for hire for some, a potential soldier with undying loyalty for others. What one makes of him is in the hands of his employer, leader, or god. Though he had disgraced the Shield by his actions, Reinold holds their virtues without wavering. Quiet and stoic, his temper is not quick to flare. He will defend those who earn his respect, and teach those he comes to admire. Those who ally themselves with the Templar learn quickly that he is not weak in combat. He is a master of the battlefield; ready to take as much punishment as he will deliver. There is not much one can do to determine if he is confident, cocky, or plain stubborn. Reinold is a Weaponsmaster; adept with a wide arsenal. Very few blades, clubs and axes feel alien in his tested hands. However, his weapon of preference is a bastard sword, made of plain steel. With his gauntlets, he can turn the hand and a half blade into a hammer in a pinch. The pommel itself is sharpened to a point, more as a tool than a weapon. He wears a mix of chainmail and leather, preferring to be more mobile in combat. While his equipment holds no special properties, he has an emotional attachment with them. They are all he has left. The remnants of divine favor that he still holds grants him resistance to some sources of profane magic. This sacred protection can be overcome by the more adept magic users. Due to the same divine favor that protects him from the arcane, Reinold is incapable of utilizing any form of magic. There is a reason he sticks to what he knows. While a skilled opponent on the battlefield, Reinold is a mere man. Illness, poisons and the likes can do him under as they would any other mortal. His wounds take some time to mend without the aid of a divine healer. Arcane methods will not sew his flesh together. [hider=Humble Beginnings] Many, many years ago Reinold was but an urchin in a city, in some distant land. Incapable of fending for himself, the Temple took him in. He was shown at a young age the kindness in many hearts. He was fed, taught, and looked after by the sisterhood that carried out Ner's work. He wanted to follow in their footsteps; to become a man of religion. He wanted to devote himself to the Goddess of Life. However, such dreams were never meant to be achieved. The sisterhood could not accept the flesh of a man in their cloth. They were afraid of how their goddess might react to the break in a tradition that stood since the beginning of time. However, Reinold was determined to devote himself to Ner, by any means necessary. When it became clear that his determination was unbreakable, the High Sister sent him to join Ner's Shield. Ner's Shield was a quiet, almost-forgotten order of priests and men like Reinold who sought to serve their goddess, either as a form of atonement or devotion. It was there that he was taught the way of the blade. Each member of the Shield learned and mastered various combat forms not to participate in battle, but to understand the warriors who lived their lives through them. [/hider] [hider=Plain stats] Age: 24 Build: Muscular Eye color: Grey Gender: Male Hair: Brown Race: Human Weight: 195 lbs Height/Length: 6' Occupation: Mercenary (Former Templar) Personality: Stoic, quiet, reserved [/hider]