[img]https://i.imgur.com/q964FNz.png[/img] Morgan's masked eyes now confirmed what he had assumed - a boy, indefinitely. A strapping young man, probably large for someone his age. [color=fff200][i]'Small amounts of armor and--'[/i][/color] Morgan watched as his questioning quarry twitched for what Morgan could only assume as a sword, if you could could compare the splinter of metal hanging at the boy's side to that of a real blade. [color=fff200][i]'He isn't aggressive, not yet at least.'[/i][/color] Morgan was not trained in the art of anticipating combative movement, but his keen senses easily told the vampire that the boy was not expecting his presence, let alone to come out of the unusual camouflage Morgan's clothing naturally offered in urban areas. [i][color=fff200]'No, he's merely instinctively reacting to...'[/color][/i] Morgan's thoughts trailed off as he heard it - the thumping of the boy's heart. In the moments when Jordan was struggling to decide what to say, the vampire's masked eyes looked down, the urge to jump and feast becoming stronger and stronger. [color=fff200][i]'It's worth it. It's--'[/i][/color] Morgan looked beyond the boy, ever so slightly. What were the odds that this boy was alone? To be wandering in the quiet back streets of Zerul alone? However, this questioning was interrupted by the unnamed in front of Morgan, [b]"There are strange things going on around these parts. I was hoping you could shed some light on the happenings."[/b] The sniffer stiffened. Why was this boy asking him of these things? Did he know? Was he a patron of the Drunk Dove last night and was he just playing, stringing Morgan along for more information, any information about what had been said between his newfound party and The Sisters? [color=fff200][i]'He asks with some authority, or is that a shake in his voice I hear?'[/i][/color] Rising from his sitting position, propping his weight between his studded staff and the building's crevice, Morgan answered with the voice of one who is just waking up, coughing once before his low voice reached Jordan's ears, [b][color=fff200]"Who--hack!--wants to know?"[/color] [/b] The vampire turned his hood from the sun (the cursed burning tingling the outside of his clothing) and lifted his mask just enough to spit a gob of the spittle that had been building in his mouth.