[quote=@catchamber] Can you not strawman me, bro? I explicitly said that I wasn't talking about limitless resources. [/quote] [quote=@catchamber] Beyond all of this, let's consider a scenario where [b]everyone's survival needs are taken care of via automated systems.[/b] What exactly would a bunch of ocean dwellers need to riot about, how would they riot, and why? [/quote] Don't start being purposefully obnoxious please. Unlike everyone else on this forum (least often seems that way), I can see sarcasm oozing out the words typed. Even schools of goddamn fish follow a leader...so you might need to try a [b]little[/b] bit harder. <.< http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/fish-shoals-leaders-predators-guppies-trinidad-a7716231.html Edit: Yes and birds too. http://www.civilsocietyhowto.org/migrating-birds-leadership/ Birds share [b]leadership.[/b] When they fly in the v-formation, for instance, the lead bird works the hardest. Many of the birds in the flock take turns flying lead so that no one bird collapses from exhaustion. In flocks of pigeons, even the weakest birds sometimes lead.