[center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/tdeft34z3/434664.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][h2][color=silver][b]The Revealed Lore[/b][/color][/h2][/center][hr] [center][hider=The Machina Technology][indent][color=808080] Older weapons, vehicles, etc. would be pretty much like WH40K/Halo stuff in general. Far more reliant on brute force, and more dakka to bring down the enemy. Probably the kind of stuff that the "Machina" used before, or slightly after Eos took control. Any of it left behind is literal zombie tech that is still operational and doesn't need to be scrapped because the Machina have little to no problem with long term upkeep. Of course, most of it would be retrofitted with more modern hardware as long as it remained operational and viable. Regardless, are really walking museums as far as technology goes; no one gives them credibility. The current machina tech is indeed far more EVE Online (with all the irony this name carries) and Star Wars than the most seen examples. Most weaponry deal with some form of energy, or other arcane means of causing damage, instead of relying on blunt force impact. Phase rifles, electromagnetic grenades, pulse armaments of all forms, proton torpedoes, etc. Are more in line with what the Machina of today use as primary armaments. Force fields and teleportation/telecommunications jamming are their principal means of defense, along with highly advanced armor of all kinds and forms. Eos' preferred aesthetics are very lean and slick, with a definite refinement to their features. Of course this varies from machine to machine but, plain gunmetal, boxy-shaped weapons platforms are rare to see because not only are they non-functional, but also hell of unsightly. Lastly but not least, almost all of the modern Machina weaponry is tuned to fight against foes invulnerable to physical damage just as much as it's tuned to fight anyone else. This is a logical extension to the fact that the modern Machina are based on Eos' systems. Fighting supernatural foes is what she was built for, thus her tech is certainly effective against anything from ghosts, to youkai, to the gods themselves. The sole exception to this is that they still haven't found a proper way to safeguard all of their systems against the corrupting power of Demonic energy. [/color][/indent][/hider][/center]