[quote=@catchamber] [@SleepingSilence] Traits of an adhocracy: [list][*][b]highly organic structure[/b] [*][b]little formalization of behavior[/b] [*]job specialization not necessarily based on formal training [*]a tendency to group the specialists in functional units for housekeeping purposes but to deploy them in small, market-based project teams to do their work [*]a reliance on liaison devices to encourage mutual adjustment within and between these teams [*][b]low or no standardization of procedures[/b] [*][b]roles not clearly defined[/b] [*]selective decentralization [*]work organization rests on specialized teams [*]power-shifts to specialized teams [*]horizontal job specialization [*][b]high cost of communication (dramatically reduced in the networked age)[/b] [*][b]culture based on non-bureaucratic work[/b][/list] The bold parts definitely sound like features inherent to school of fish or flock of birds. [@Penny] Lol, you don't understand chemistry or biology. [/quote] You killin me smalls. I just don't know how much of my sanity can take of this. I'll admit you got me to laugh, (in a "I give up" kind of way. But I almost appreciate this discussion like I would a bad song.) [i]How many ways can I go about debunking a joke...as if it was serious...[/i] Well, we'll start with your own post (which I know you didn't do on purpose, hence why I call it obnoxious and plead to try harder. If you want to be funny, put some more effort in it is all I'm asking for here.) is just the wikipedia list of the word and you tacitly admit the ones in bold are the only parts that apply. When you need a large majority or all for it to be considered one. And you have 6 of the 13 highlighted...and the last two you couldn't of highlighted with a straight face. A dead man would be rolling in his grave. [color=ed1c24][b]roles not clearly defined[/b][/color] https://www.nature.com/news/precision-formation-flight-astounds-scientists-1.14537 Birds roles and formations in flight are often precise. So doesn't even work there either. [color=ed1c24][b]High cost of communication (dramatically reduced in the networked age)[/b][/color] I'll give you my third born child, if you can give me a good enough explanation, on how in the flying fuck, does high cost of communication apply to fish and birds. I'll will literally wait an eternity, please don't spare me any details.