[h3]Bastien Roussaeu Valennia, Raelin - The Adventurer's Guild[/h3] [color=ed1c24]“Praise be to Ragnarok,"[/color] Bastien nodded, whispering as quietly as possible to the comrade sitting next to him at a table occupied with other miscellaneous strangers, [color=ed1c24]“and may the winds be in your favor.”[/color] The woman swiped the envelope he had slid her while passing her a drink into the inside of her jacket. They exchanged some casual conversation for a bit after, the girl calmly downing her drink as quickly as possible, before she got up and sauntered off into the crowd. Like an ocean, the waves of people coming and going swallowed her in seconds, leaving only an empty mug as a trace she was ever there. Ah. The Adventurer’s Guild. It’s always just brimming with potential. So many people, so many walks of life, so little attention drawn to individuals. It’s just a letter between friends, after all, why worry about it? With that handled and out of the way, Bastien rose from his own seat and wandered off into the crowd of people as well. He hadn’t really thought about where he was gonna go from there, so he weighed the options: he could try to find some odd jobs around town, maybe try to do some monster hunting, or maybe he could hunker down on the streets and whip out some magic tricks for some coin? None sounded particularly interesting at the moment, but with the guards on full alert what with the unstable air and the, y’know, serial killer running around, trying some illegal shit probably wasn’t going to fly very well. At the very least, doing it in broad daylight was pretty much a one-way ticket to getting arrested, even in the scummiest, least guarded places in town. Bastien, for a second, considered just doing the most honest thing and getting a stable job, but to hell with that. He was in an Adventurer’s Guild! The place most renowned for breeding heroes and warriors, who’s only job is to kill and maim (and sometimes lift barrels for a wage but whatever)! By the time Bastien was walking down the stairs, he still hadn’t quite decided if that was what he wanted to do, but it stopped mattering to him when he saw the girl walk in with the big chocobo. It was… beautiful. Fluffy, powerful, adorable, likely pretty tasty. Chocobos were his weakness, and he couldn’t help but think about all the possibilities if he had his own chocobo… He weighed the pros and cons in his head; worst case scenario, she tells him to go away, best case scenario he scores a chocobo in exchange for some coinage. Maybe, at the very least, she’d let him take him for a test drive. Bastien was most definitely in the mood to ride some chocobo. So, with little else to do, he flipped around in the flow of people as the lady passed and started following her up the stairs and back into the Adventurer’s Guild. Eventually, she stopped at the edge of the crowd, staring up at the boards listing myriad jobs and hunts posted around. Seizing the opportunity, Bastien shuffled up beside her and tapped on her shoulder to get her attention. [color=ed1c24]“Salut, o’ traveller!”[/color] He started, giving his classic little sly grin. Hopefully it woo’d her successfully. He was a very charismatic fellow, or at least he liked to think. [color=ed1c24]“I couldn’t help but notice your rather large, uh… chocobo back there, by the entrance.”[/color] Hm. Bastien questioned his own wording all of the sudden. Was it creepy to imply that he had followed her here, or would she just take it as a coincidence and that he was just another adventurer likely similar to herself? [color=ed1c24]“She truly is magnificent, if I’m allowed to say. Such brilliant yellow coloration; wonderful feathers, even despite the wear of recent travel tarnishing them... Where do you hail from, may I ask? I don’t quite think chocobos are awfully common in the big city. Rather cumbersome on the streets. Me, I live here. I’m a rather big fan of the big chickens…”[/color] [@Ambra]