[b]Alicia Hayden[/b] Ren excused himself once they exited, flashing Suwako a wink in response to the concern she held about him being in the crossfire, before tossing Alicia a package from the glove compartment. She was used to such gifts, and was confident that whatever it was would be put to good use. "I see," she replied once the explanation was finished. She was slightly annoyed by how much was happening without their inclusion, but since they had been busy with the attack there wasn't much that could be done about it. That would be something they needed to address later on though. She was tired of everyone knowing more than her group did, when the Beckoners were the ones who were being targeted the most by this conspiracy. Though whether she succeeded in getting that through to everyone else in on this was another matter entirely. "Well that's good to hear." Glancing over to Mariette, she nodded before turning her attention to her companion. "That's Mariette, a former ally of Justine who decided to switch sides to save her own skin. She's the one I wanted to talk to the Beckoners about, so she'll be helping us take out Justine before things get any worse around here." That was all she felt comfortable mentioning, at least for the moment. She wasn't sure if Mariette wanted to talk about their deal now, but she would nod to confirm that the deal had been accepted before asking one other pertinent question that presented itself to her. "So who else have you recruited into this escapade?" [@PlatinumSkink][@Hammerman][@Shifter_Master]