Nice idea for the roleplay. Here's my tentative nation(s) sheet. Let me know if it seems reasonable. Although I'm putting one down, it is near the breaking point into civil war. [b]Nation Sign-Up Sheet:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] (clickable) [i]Name of Nation:[/i] Famsidian Union [i]Nation Characteristics:[/i] The Famsidian Union was founded in 1744 as a confederation of loosely connected Famsidian smaller countries. It was intended to be a way to provide common protections and resources while still providing each individual country's autonomy. A limited power republic based government was put in place to oversee things to mixed results. Since then, centralized power has grown under tense operations. The culture of the countries are very diverse which both adds to their ability to adapt, and growing disagreements. In the years since the forming of the confederation, it has gradually became a federation with increasing power. The autonomy of the smaller countries is not as great proportionally anymore which is just one of the many contentious issues circulating throughout the increasingly divided nation. In 1994, the country nearly went to civil war, but it was averted from peaceful negotiations and reworking of the law system to allow more Famsidian voices, and increasing the size of the Union Congress at the central government for more representation. This has worked... for now. [i]Nation Location:[/i] Nova Mondial, southwest continent, southwest block. [i]Nation Initial Population:[/i] 76.2 million [i]Species Name:[/i] Famsidian [i]Species Characteristics:[/i] Famsidians (as shown) have four arms, which has made them more coordinated for tool use and multitasking. However, they are not very good at defense without it, and are slow to move due to having to move a larger body. [i]Side Chosen in Void War:[/i] Most are neutral (65%), second most agree with the Cindorayi (23%), few with Aldabetan (12%) although those that agree with the Aldabetan tend to be more extreme. The disagreements have so far made the nation stay neutral. [i]Technological Level:[/i] In addition to the base technologies, there is a lot of general research, primarily into consumer products for commerce, and manufacturing. 3D printers are as standard as desks, and knowledge how to use them is like literacy (over 99.9%). This also includes a well tracked recycling program and resource management system. Computers are common, including networks, though not very advanced beyond Earth 2000 level. More nationally, the biggest industries are mining, agriculture, and architecture. More locally, it is very diverse but spread thin as well. For example, there is a monopoly on telephones and there hasn't been much innovation or developments beyond a national phone service. Space travel involves satellites and a fast growing space program. Interplanetary probes have been sent, but no crew-based missions have been attempted beyond orbit as of yet. Although plans to begin space colonization are on the way. [i]Special Resource:[/i] Famsdamen - not really valuable materials on their own, but a highly efficient fuel when processed correctly. It can be used for long-range travel at the cost of power. While it can allow travel for otherwise unheard of lengths without using much at all, it isn't going to make the journey fast. Analagously, if a barrel of oil would be two days, this would take a teaspoon and a week. Burning more also doesn't add much to speed either. On the plus side, it can allow a lot more room for larger spaceships or vehicles because the conventional fuel equation isn't as prohibiting. Of course, those also take a lot more build time and other resources.