[center][color=00CED1][h3]The Iceborn[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [b]X) Pray to Gods[/b] Dag and the tribe all harbored dreams of sailing a great fleet up every river and along every beach of this new land, but the forlorn barrow and the rising smoke of burning Deep Ones denied them the chance. There could be no exploration and no settling of new lands until the tribe's enemies were slain and the ocean was safe once more. The king did not know what the Deep Ones were or from whence they came, and neither did any of the elders. For that matter, Kjorn had not bestowed such wisdom upon Sigdar. So they had no choice but to turn to the holy men, who then turned to Father Frost. Before a stark and weathered tree that had been dedicated as a shrine to the wiser of their patron gods, a man named Halvar chanted to the sky. "O great Father Frost, our lord whose breath is long winter, witness the smoke of the beasts that we burn in your name! Your faithful request but one favor from ye: reveal to us the lair from whence these foul creatures come, and we will be the icy lance that scours the hellspawn from the world and smites them in your blessed name." [hider=Iceborn] -The Iceborn don't know where the Deep Ones come from, so after burning all those murlocs as sacrifices they pray to Father Frost and ask him where they can go to kill the rest of the Deep Ones. [/hider]