[h2][color=00a651]The Orc-Grave Swamp Enclave[/color][/h2] Now armed with a working knowledge from both the Black skinned goblins and Buddy's own research into the matter, Gredy left Buddy to continue his research as he started to organize parties to go out into the swamp in order to gather samples of the most promising types of fungi in order to try cultivating them in the caves that were being dug out. Hopefully at least one of them would take to being farmed properly. .......................................... At the Outpost, a discussion between to of the Grove Keepers had resulted in something of a debate in relation to the 'whispers' that some of the goblins had been hearing since they had first arrived. One claimed that the voices that were on the edge of hearing were the voices of the goblins that had died and become one with the swamp to try and guide their people from beyond the grave. The other argued that it was in fact the Swamp itself that was attempting to communicate with them, trying to find a way to peacefully co-exist with the Conclave when it was made clear that they wouldn't be driven off or wiped out. Both goblins made strong points for their cause, but despite how loud the debate got at times the two never came to blows. Instead they traveled to opposite sides of the Outpost, making their arguments to any who would listen. [hider=Summery] Buddy is left to continue his research while Gredy organizes attempts at gathering promising fungi in order to try farming them to add a stable food supply to the Conclave. At the Outpost, discussions about the nature of the whispers some of the goblins have been hearing in the swamp seem to have split between two major camps; The group that thinks the voices are from their ancestors trying to guide them from beyond the grave and the Group that believes it is the voice of the swamp itself. [/hider]