[right] [h3][color=c17913][i]Caeleo[/i][/color][/h3] [hider=Status] [b]Location:[/b] [i]Outside the Church of Midway[/i] [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Interacting with Vulcure, public conversation with a few golems and humans present.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Description] [url=https://puu.sh/yLDeh/140bf878ac.png]Metallic, mechanically intricate. Body still glowing slightly from the heat.[/url] As tall as a large Naga. [/hider] [/right] [hr] Igneous was sitting against a wall in Lower Bethany, which was surprisingly quiet save for the Church of Midway. He was staring at the sky while feeling the parts of his body that had chipped when he was thrown from the golemsmith’s forge, a building overlooking Bethany from the wealthier district of Barion. It wasn’t uncommon for broken golems to be thrown here and salvaged for scrap, but it was unusual for one to still be alive. As he scanned the constellations of The Sky with the eyes behind his visor-like face, a shimmer caught his attention. It was slight at first, but then he noticed four more surrounding the first one. They all split off almost simultaneously: one each to the north, south, east, and west. The final one headed straight down. Igneous was too caught up in the spectacle that it didn’t register that the Nebula was falling straight for his position. He barely moved as it crashed loudly into the Church of Midway. Curious, he made his way there. Inside, the once elaborate symbol of The Archaeon was now a glowing, swirling, molten mass. Vulcure’s booming voice could be heard above the noise of the audience: “EVERYONE STAY BACK!” His guards were already blocking off the stage and keeping the curious at bay, one of which was a Naga armed with an axe and… a chair? The mass began to take a humanoid shape. It was as tall as a large Naga, but with a build more similar to that of a human. The Nebula finally took shape, body still red with heat. Some pieces floated, setting him apart from the golems created by mortals. The cathedral fell silent as he turned to face Vulcure… [color=c17913]"Brother!"[/color] Caeleo’s voice sounded slightly metallic. Vulcure scanned The Sky through the now open ceiling, trying to discern who had fallen. He hid the shock on his face well when he realized all of Archaeon was missing. “Caeleo? But you-” [color=c17913]"Someone else will take up my role. If it’s still needed, that is."[/color] “You don’t mean the Crystal is in trouble?” Vulcure stepped forward, his cape flowing behind him. [color=c17913]"There’s a conflict brewing in ithica. The brothers. I sent the others as a precaution."[/color] He looked up toward the now empty spot in The Sky. Vulcure suddenly realized now was not the time nor the place to discuss the Crystal of Balance. He turned to the crowd and motioned Caeleo to step up beside him. The room was filled with murmurs that came to a halt as Vulcure’s voice boomed once more: “People of Delteria! This is Caeleo!” He raised Caeleo’s arm high as the crowd erupted from the tension. Sometime later, the church had been emptied and a few remained outside: A Naga, golem, and some Ashen dwelled in the shadows of a nearby alley; Vulcure, Caeleo, his guard and some individuals from Veracity discussed politics by the entrance; and a small group of humans and Fae gossiped nearby.