Mordechai continued to look at the map after the Baron spoke. It was apparent the man was disheartened by the lack of support, but he was still going through with it. The Baron's will was strong to oppose the history of years of racism and elitism. He didn't realize silence had fallen upon the chamber until he lifted his head. The darker skinned man frowned. It was obvious this small band had run out of constructive things to add. The White Shields usually had straight forward tasks. Go here, hit this. Kill so-and-so. Etcetera. This was a little out of most of their expertise. If he was judging by everyone faces. Even the cocky white boy Caden seemed to be at a loss. The Western man looked back at the map then the men in the room. "So your real problem is the meeting." Leon said suddenly. "Do you honestly believe if you make it to the meeting alive that people will support you?" The older swordsman had sprung to his feet as if he was unable to keep still any longer. It make the Baron turn his head in order to look at Leon. "I don't follow. But yes, I do believe that I can get enough support at the meeting in order to at least get my proposal onto the docket." The Baron looked a little confused at the line of reasoning. "You said your problem was Heath and Janus." Leon said pointing at the two Barondoms. Then he looked up at the men, and woman, at the table. "But in reality it's getting LaFlur to the meeting. And making sure he has something to come back to." Leon cracked a large grin and suddenly Mordechai was getting what Leon was saying. "That's brilliant." The young man said smiling. Leon cracked a smile and clasped the baron on the back. "All you have to do is be here and at the meeting. Thereby distracting both the Baron and Baroness." Leon's eyes flicked over to the mage. "Think you could manage that?"