[right][h2][sup][i][color=f07560]Knight[/color][/i][/sup][/h2][i]Rosaline Buckner[/i] [i]The Circus[/i][/right] So, the match was not cancelled, and Zabaniya plus Black Kaze appeared to both be in on this. Either that, or they just didn’t care. Meaning Knight had just expanded her first move of the match by making herself a target instead of actually doing any good. Talion be praised, Knight wouldn’t have known to defend against Zabaniya had he not called it out. Realizing with a start that her holes were perfect for the shadows to strike through even if they defended against the insta-death of Black Kaze, it meant she had no choice but to go all out from the start. Irritated, bewildered and not quite appreciating her side of Zabaniya’s magician metaphor, Knight manifested her armor, front-first to be there in time for Zabaniya’s spears. The sphere around her periodically faltered, back first, to not allow Zabaniya to notice what she was doing. When she felt the spears of darkness strike the front of her immovable armor, Knight completely manifested her armor, letting the useless sphere fall. Now she was invulnerable… but she was also blind, deaf, all those things, plus the pressure on her mind. Zabaniya appeared to be Knight’s complete counter. She couldn’t fight her. Zabaniya could abuse any gaps Knight formed in order to see or hear, and the shadows could very effectively keep Knight away, gripping Knight’s armor and restraining her. If captured by Zabaniya’s darkness, Knight doubted she could get free. However… there was an individual here whom Knight was the counter to, in turn. Knight took off, immediately upon letting the sphere fall. She remembered where she had heard Black Kaze had locked her legs on the metal cage. Hopefully, Knight didn’t really know due to lack of senses, Kaze was still there and had her sight blocked by smoke. Hopefully, Knight’s flight would be uninterrupted by Zabaniya and relatively soundless in the light of all that was going on and probable shouting from outside the ring. Hopefully, Black Kaze would not realize what was happening until it was too late. The intention was to fly straight towards Black Kaze’s last known position, slamming shoulder-first into that position through the smoke. The baton was too likely to kill to be used in such a charge. Tackling was more effective. What she was doing right now wasn’t in perfect accordance with the plan as a whole, but Knight had panicked somewhat and gone for what she could think to do. Black Kaze was still the worst threat here, though Zabaniya wasn’t far after and who knew what Talion was capable of. More than that, the woman outside weighted on Knight’s mind, but she really didn’t have the time to consider what to do about that right now.