[center][h3]Valdr[/h3] Front of the Library of Arius [@rivaan][/center] Valdr's painful trudge to the Adventurer's Guild was wrought with delays. On nothing but fumes, so far he's helped a woman carry her groceries, rescuing a cat from a tree, fixed the wheel of a wagon, helped a little girl who tripped over, and even tackle a thief on the street. By this time he had been given enough money for a room in one of the inns here, but no one gave him any food despite his zombified requests, in fact in this short span of time he's been given the nickname "Mr.Zombie Hero", due to how dead he looked the whole time. Now he found himself at the steps of the great library on the way to the guild. There was a girl in a wheelchair, and it was clear the stairs were a problem for her. With little thought or consideration to his devitalized appearance, he walked up to her, [color=f7941d]"Uhhhh, miss? Do you need some help?"[/color], he asked, his voice somewhat course and strained.