Username: Scarfking Name: Nihere Gender: Male Age: 31 Race: Human Appearence: [hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Readied Weapon(s): Longbow [5d3 Piercing D STR B DEX] Requires 9 STR, 12 DEX -1 SPD, +1 ACC Fires arrows Two-handed A powerful wooden longbow. Parrying Dagger [1d4 Piercing C DEX D SPD] Requires 5 STR, 8 DEX +2 SPD, +0 ACC +1 AC when not used to attack A simple dagger. Iron Arrow [1d2 Piercing] (x30) Ammunition (Arrow) Damage type overridden by ranged weapon A bog-standard arrow. Equipped Armor: Fur Armor [+2 AC, Body, Feet] Minor cold resist -1 AC from SPD Thick fur armor and boots that keep cold at bay. Cloth Gloves [+0 AC, Hands] +1 ACC for ranged attacks Used to grip ranged weapons and protect the hands from kickback as the weapon fires