[center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374747837407428611/392863523329540097/Zephyr_Banner.png[/img][/center] [hr] Zephyr cocked her head at the discussions and the voice in her head, the revelations... Interested her. She turned towards their host, before looking back at the changling. [Color=red]"It matters little. Now... I wish to know what exactly you are, Aether. Form of a Kinsman, but yet you do not look entirely like one from my homelands."[/color] The giantess moved to stand next to Summer, gently holding out a hand in a show of solidarity. She could not explain it, but she felt a connection the the girl. Perhaps it was just her pure heart. [Color=red]"I would like proper explanations of... This."[/color] Zephyr was...a mix of emotions. But she was honor bound to see this through, no matter how strange her fellows seemed to be.