[@shylarah] You're right. The fall of Omestris does seem to have happened too recently. I think that's kind of by design though. The idea of having it happen just 130 years ago is so that the legacy of their civilization and culture is still fresh in mind for a lot of Omestrians, but any kind of ownership of that history is stomped out by Varyan society. Like, just a few generations ago their culture still prospered, which actually works against them too, since the concept of Omestris as a nation of dark heretics is still fresh in mind to most of imperial society, which is why until very recently people have been largely unbothered with the horrible conditions in which Omestrian slaves are treated. The fall of Omestris was pretty also pretty sudden, and there are mysterious circumstances surrounding the actual destruction of Iddin-Mar. They didn't really fight back. Also, I should mention that the life expectancy in this world is very low. Not a lot of people survive long enough to be grandparents.