[center][h3]Sam Fraser[/h3][/center] Y'know when Sam leaped for the metal bar near the windows he did it in a mad rush 'cus he was scared of that weird pincer leg coming back in for round two. Seeing someone get wasted by something straight out of a monster movie could really light a fire under your ass. Which made it even weirder when he grabbed the thing and everything felt like it calmed down. Like, in a calming but creepy way. Everything outside felt just too damn calm. Despite how high up they were the air was totally still and stale. The silence was so heavy that it actually made Sam stop and notice the hammering of his heart in his ears. None of this made any sense. Everything outside looked like the sky was having a bad acid trip, and those spider webs! Sam didn't know if he'd make it out of here or ever work out what was going on but now he had something like a weapon in hand he felt a little more like he could handle it. It was weird but the stillness was kind of zen in a way. Then he remembered the giant monster outside and it went back to being freakin' sinister! With a fresh sense of purpose and capability Sam strode towards the end of the carriage and slammed the thin part of the bar into the seam in the door. Internally cursing himself for not going to the gym or working out more he strained with all his might, finally managing to pry the door open with the help of the Asian guy with the glasses. A little out of breath and too pumped up to feel chatty Sam gave him an appreciative nod and a grunt by a bro's way of thanks. He didn't know whether to see the empty cart through the way as soul crushing or not but Sam kept on going anyway with nowhere to go but forward. He made for the far side and the next door, ready to lather rinse repeat on the new door. Until that voice stopped him dead in his tracks. [b]“Don’t run. She will find you. Don’t fight. Or I will kill you.” [/b] “What the hell was tha-” Sam didn't get to finish that thought as the roof got torn apart like it was paper . That damn clawed leg thing came reaching in again and in a blind panic Sam flailed away at the thing with his broken bit of pipe. He quickly learned it didn't do anything 'cus the one swing that connected with it bounced off the lib like he'd hit a brick wall. And Sam couldn't do anything but look on helplessly as it grabbed the smaller of the two girls in the group and leaving them all looking on in terror. [i]'Oh god... oh god no!'[/i] Sam couldn't speak, he couldn't make any sound at all! His blood ran cold, his legs felt weak. He was about to see someone die! Really die! As that sick monster leaned in close and Sam felt his eyes welling up yet he couldn't turn away. [i]'Please no...'[/i] [center][b][h3][color=#DEBC99]"ADAM!!!"[/color][/h3][/b][/center] “What the hell is that!” Sam cried. It was a sexy fox lady was the answer but Sam didn't quite get that right away. What did get was the dead air going cold like a gale swooped in and blew the actual cobwebs away. What looked like ice started springing up and Sam was left gawping as the monster above them recoiled like it was the one who should be scared. That sexy fox chick was on their side! Holy shit! That was good enough a hope for Sam to latch onto! It felt like their narrow prison was exploding into activity but they weren't alone on the ground anymore. There were more monsters now, one more at least. It looked like the thing was breaking in through the window and goddamn if Purple Hair wasn't trying to take thing thing on! Hyped on seeing one of these monsters back them up and feeling a wave of fresh strength coming over him – kind of – Sam's brain went all 'Do or die' as he brandished his pipe and got ready to charge in. “Okay...” He breathed in deep looking at the other guys still around him. “Let's fuck him up!” And he ran for the thing that seemed busy poking at Purple, and swung right for its head!