[color=bc8dbf]"Tsk."[/color] Livia frowned, dropping Katherine's foot and finally turning to her food. [color=bc8dbf]"Fine, I'm a demon then. A demon for trying to help fools. Rather, I'm the fool for expecting fools to want help in the first place."[/color] She grumbled. Really, she did just want to help. It was annoying that she was being made out to be the bad guy for it, but that was just how most people were it seemed. Be nice, people question your intentions. Maybe she should have just turned them in to the guard for a reward? Hmph, would certainly have been much easier and more productive. [color=fff79a]"Now now,"[/color] Marise smiled. [color=fff79a]"Lets enjoy our meal and leave this behind, hm?"[/color] [hr] [color=a187be]"Eh,"[/color] Charlotte shrugged. [color=a187be]"Astril isn't exactly fond of fine dining. Everything is very...utilitarian."[/color] Charlotte replied in response to Himeko's question about the taste of the food. It was good to her at least. She was a bit surprised when Himeko offered to pay for the girls meal and their own. She had intended to pay for theirs herself at least, but hey, she wasn't going to argue. [color=a187be]"Humph...well, hopefully that will ease their suspicions...though I think it might make it more obvious."[/color] Charlotte grumbled, finding the waiter that had given them their food, and handing over the payment and telling them to pay for the sisters as well. After a small exchange, her and Himeko left the restaurant and stepped out into the streets again. [color=a187be]"I think our first course of action would be to find a library of sorts."[/color] Charlotte said. [color=a187be]"Or some place we could find the records of."[/color]