[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cgu3cUc.png[/img][/center] "What and exciting turn out, folks! We pulled together a roster of some of the most ruthless and strongest challengers from all across the multiverse. Ever since we found this gate leading to entirely new systems, we've been enlisting gladiators from all nearly every world imaginable for your entertainment. All thanks to your pals at MegaCorp; your number one stop for all things anything. So sit back, relax. AND LET THE CARNAGE ENSUE!" "Welcome back to the second week of Galaxy Gladiators. For those of you who missed our premier; feast your eyes on the discarded remains of both pirates and ninjas alike. As much as we all hated for those swashbuckling scalawags to go down, the excitement couldn't have been higher for the two teams to clash. It was a brutal turn of the first event, however, as the ninjas slayed the pirates like butter; though not without casualties of their own. Seems like our survivor won't make it to the end of this grueling campaign. He should make easy prey for our next episode of fighters. Or perhaps he can use those stealth skills to great use and make it to the end? Even now our cloaked friend has successfully evaded all of our cameras. Not bad for such a simple warrior. And Speaking of fighters, here comes our next batch now! These brave souls were pulled from various similar planes; each having accomplished great things and proving their worth before being hand picked for your enjoyment. Six lucky players will be the focus of tonight's wave of new combatants. And with any luck, they just might kill each other before we have to prepare for the next wave. Things will only escalate from here, folks!" [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/X2XFKR3.png[/img][/center] [hr] [i]Celestial light surrounded the north-western corner of the island. Six warriors spread in a circle from each other materialized; taken from their homelands without warning and forced into a field of grass. The winds blew. The sun was warm. And as much as any one could tell, this world was no different than the one they were forced to leave. The playing field was clean of all dead bodies and discarded items. Crashing waves could be heard in the distance just past the thick forest to the north and west. And to the south and east, nothing but clear grassy field for miles. Only one structure stood out on the island; a giant 'M' shaped building with two entrances, to the north and south. No sign of anything out of ordinary would alert them of their place in time; nor would any instruction from the eyes that viewed them ever interfere. What happened from here, was completely up to them.[/i] [hider=Current Map][img]https://imgur.com/jwDOFOZ.jpg[/img][/hider]