Siegmier watched the green man. He was obviously some sort of warrior, his armour and weaponry made it obvious. No farmer used a battle-axe on their turnips or wore some sort of unicorn-esque helmet to water the plants. He took his first sip of this continent's ale and was met with a bitter, sour taste. His eyes moved to stare at the tankard while his mouth made an expression of disgust. He couldn't understand why anyone would ever want to get drunk on anything so bitter as this. Until it hit him. The creamy aftertaste that was like a thousand prostitutes sincere compliments the morning after. Siegmier's expression turned more so to one of delight as he sipped the ale rather than one of disgust. Soon enough he was finished with the drink and was not the least bit drunk. They had either watered down this ale or it was so non alcoholic that a child could drink it. He took off the tinted sunglasses he wore on his eyes and hung them on the bandolier that was fastened from his shoulder to his waist and around. The sunglasses were a great investment, brilliant for constant days of the sun beating down on your face. At first people were speculative about the invention, but Siegmier was all for it. Soon enough, the green man spoke. He said something about a well of wishes and some place called "Ayya". He arose from his chair like this opportunity was calling to him itself. He moved towards the green man and done his best to talk in the language he had just deciphered a few minutes ago. Of course some accents may have been off, but Siegmier thought he had gotten the gist of it. "I am able to ride if you are able to explain this 'Well of Wishes'"He explained. His accent rode strong with the words, it was different from that of this place. While the people of this place may have had accents that were a bit 'common', Siegmier had a posher tone to his words.