[img]https://i.imgur.com/0OqzPss.png[/img] <-Political / Ceremonial Flag [b]Name of Nation:[/b] Union of Kor [b]Nation Characteristics: [/b] Government: Elective Monarchy The Tari are ruled over by a High King who is elected into position by a council. Those eligable for becoming High King are the various Lords of the Union of Kor. The council is made up of various Lords, Mayors of city states within Union of Kor, and the High Priest of state religion. Powers granted to High King are a special unified army to enforce peace within the Union of Kor. Land is ruled over by various Lords, Mayors, and the High Priest have own private armies which in past were used to war among themselves. Nowadays the private armies function as peace keepers/police/enforcers. History: The current Union of Kor is the eight iteration of Union of Kor having collapsed seven times previously into civil war when a new High King could not be elected due to no majority winner. This Union of Kor was founded in 1864 and has not had a internal war between Lords since 1937. The Union of Kor only opened borders to trade in 1907 and kept a extremely neutral stance officially in world but would let mercenary companies be bought by anyone. The previous High King decided to side with the Aldabetan in the Void War but freely allowed mercenary companies to be bought by other side. Current High King elected after death of previous High King has a much more pro-Cindorayi views. Culture: Tari have little value for life due to there biology and generally do not even value there own young before they reach mid-stage towards adulthood. Cannibalism is not uncommon in the poor of Union of Kor. The Tari have a flexible yet rigid caste system. At bottom of caste are the workers who are bulk of population and generally do the manual labor jobs which are plentiful due to rigid hate of automation. Tari value strength and see unnecessary automation as lazy. Second tier of caste is warriors who preform all roles where combat is involved from police to soldiers. The warrior caste is the second largest and worker caste. The third and smallest caste are the priest case who are those born with defects. Tari view those that hatch with a defect such as blindness or physical deformity as special and they are taken in by the celibate priest caste. Final caste which is the gold caste who are rich merchants, and nobility. A Tari when they reach adulthood will go into worker caste where they can become rich merchants or can join the warrior caste. Only nobility of the gold caste and priest caste are rigid where they are never allowed to change caste. The value in strength and little value for own lives causes the warrior caste to be used in brutal tactics involving just trying to drown enemies in sheer numbers. Once common wars within Union of Kor would suffer massive casualties as government troops are generally equipped poorly. The poor equipment resulting in many mercenary companies that work for highest pay so they can afford proper equipment. Religion: Religion is still as it always has been for the Tari a very important part of government and culture. The religion of Tari is a form of ancestral worship where the dead are eaten so that spirit is trapped in living Tari. Priest caste are exempt from this cannibalism and instead are interned in elaborate crypts under temples. [b]Nation Location: [/b]South Eastern small island touching the glaciers. [b]Nation Initial Population:[/b]27,000,000 [b]Species Name: [/b]Tari [b]Species Characteristics: [/b]Tari are divided up into two major ethnic groups. The stocky built flat faced and lighter built long faced Tari. As the name indicates flat faced Tari have a flat face which causes variety of respiratory issues and they possess three fingers with a thumb. Meanwhile the long faced Tari who have a long reptilian snout, large tails, ornamental horns, and two fingers with a thumb. In general Tari are bipedal with two arms and tough hides covered in scales. The average natural lifespan of a Tari 120-160 years. Tari start out as a egg that hatches after two years then take average of 8-10 years to reach adulthood. A female Tari can lay a clutch of 3-6 eggs every year. It takes a newly hatched Tari 4-5 years to develop its brain for it to be sentient. Despite the very reptillian appearance Tari are not cold blooded but they are not warm blooded. The blood of Tari is lukewarm blooded to fuel there rapid development into adults. Tari are hardy species that can live comfortably in a variety of environments though flat faced Tari respitory issues cause them to be less suited compared to long faced Tari. The only differences in Tari male and females is female long faced Tari lack horns and both ethnic groups have lighter colored males and darker colored females. Tari scales are all the same color and individuals can be browns, greens, grays, and very rare white. [b]Side Chosen in Void War:[/b]Aldabetan [b]Technological Level: [/b]Standard Modern Technology The Union of Kor officially only has a handful of nuclear fission powered communication satellites. Most powerful Merchants and the largest Mercenary Companies though have there own private communication satellites. A two person unarmed space station powered by nuclear fission is the biggest space presence Tari have. [b]Space Presence: [/b]Very Tiny. [b]Special Resource: [/b]Chitanite Chitanite is a organic derived metal. Through centuries of selective breeding the Chit have been bred to have a extremely metallic like hide. The metallic hide of Chit is harvested then through complex chemical purification and smelting process it is turned into Chitanite. Chitanite most unique property is medical application with it not being attacked by the immune system when implanted into the body. Beyond that unique property Chitanite it has a very high resistance against corrosion and shares many properties with steel such as strength.