[center] Name: Kaden Yamir Race/Faction: Christian Age: 24 Description: Kaden stands at a height of 6'2 and is built to insure the perfect balance between defensive and offensive combat. His tanned skin is slightly scarred from his many years of training and combat. He has a small stubble of brown hair and has short dark brown hair. He has dull grey eyes and over the left eye is a rather large scar from one of his past mistakes. He normally keeps his armor on since that is what he feels most comfortable in. [hider=Armor] [img]http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/xzAAAOSwGzlTvE2Z/s-l300.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Face] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/2418/f/2011/146/f/3/scar_face_by_nataliehijazi-d3agdlp.jpg[/img] [/hider] "Class": Knight. History: Kaden was born within a family of farmers, or better known as peasants. He lived the first six years of his life struggling to survive the long and harsh winters with only his father since his mother had died when he was two thanks to starvation. His father was a bitter old man who seemed to try and make Kaden's childhood even harder as he would regularly abuse him in physical and mental ways. Beatings, days without food, verbally cursing him of his mothers death and even to go as far as locking him within the barns by himself. Kaden is still amazed that he even survived at all. Thankfully at the age of seven Kaden seemed to find a break as he was making a trip to the main towns markets. As he browsed the markets goods that he could afford he saw that a small contest was being held by a few high ranking men of the crown. With his interest peeked he got a closer look and saw that a few knights of the crown were holding a small competition to find their next squire. Kaden was hesitant at first, but after one of the knights told the crowd of the life that awaited a squire he saw it as a chance to escape his father. He was quick to offer his hand in the competition, but he was nearly denied that chance as the crowd, and a few knights, laughed at him as if he was just a foolish child with his head in the stars. Thankfully though a few of the knights saw the look of determination within Kaden's eyes and allowed him to enter. It was a series of hard challenges, but in the end Kaden shocked everyone, the knights included, and was accepted as one of the five to become a knights squire. As his now fellow squires said their goodbyes Kaden was quick to leave for the castle, and left without saying a word to his father. The years as a squire went on for Kaden. They were tough, but he was much happier with this life and began to see a better purpose for his life. He saw the duty and importance that came with being a knight of the kingdom and worked hard to keep up with his fellow men of the crown. At the age of 21 his hard work and determination was finally noticed and he was given the title as a knight. With his new found fire of duty and responsibility Kaden made the oath to protect the kingdom, the king and it's people until is final breath. Strengths: Brave, strategy, leader, combat and loyal. Weakness: Stubborn, reckless, blindly loyal, quick to fight. What is the most important thing to know about your character? He will stop at nothing when it comes to fulfilling his oath. What is your character's greatest flaw? He doesn't know when to quit. [hider=Sample] The smell of blood and smoke filled Kaden's nostrils as he glared at the scene of a caravan being raided by a group of bandits. With gritted teeth he held his sword up high and spurred his mount forward towards the battle. "Cut the bastards down!" he shouted to his fellow knights of eight as he was the first to charge. They replied with a cry of battle that caught the bandits attention. The bandits, knowing they had no chance in out running the mounted knights readied themselves for the coming charge. The bandit the closes to the knights raised his mace into the air and cursed them before charging towards Kaden. With a grunt Kaden swiftly cut through the bandits neck and gave a quick kick, sending the gurgling bandit to the ground in a choking fit. His fellow knights were quick to pass him and began cutting down the rest of the attackers. Kaden spotted a bandit with a poorly made spear charging him and leaped from his mount with a smirk under his helmet. "Fucking dogs!" the bandit screamed as he lunged towards Kaden with his spear. With ease he deflected the bandits attack and drove a knee into his got before pushing him to the side. The bandit gasped and sucked in air as he struggled to keep himself on his feet. Kaden cracked his neck with a chuckle and drew a line in the dirt, separating the two. Without any words he gestured the bandit to try again. The bandit, now filled with even more rage roared with anger as he charged forward once again. He to attempted to plunge his pear into Kadens skull, but his attack was for nothing as Kaden simply moved his head to the left and drove his long sword into the bandits gut with wet tearing noise. The bandit gasped with wide eyes as he clutched tight onto Kaden. He looked to Kaden with shocked eyes as if he need to conformation on what had just happened. Kaden gave another chuckle before driving his helmet into his skull and ripping his sword from his gut. The bandit crumpled to the ground in a lifeless heap and Kaden simply shook his head before looking to the rest of the battle to see that his fellow knight were just finishing off the rest. He smiled under his helmet and rested his sword onto his armored shoulder. His pride now shined over the corpses of the dead and he let out a sigh. "Job well done." [/hider] [/center]