Stick together? That was obviously an option, but Himeko didn't want to sit around in a library. More specifically, one where she couldn't read anything anyway. Not that they had the chance to split up as they were hailed by wandering guards almost immediately as they left the restaurant. They weren't unfriendly sounding... For now at least. At first her hand rested on the hilt of her katana, though she quickly removed it. They were looking for contraband? Well, Himeko was happy enough that she had food in her stomach now. [color=ba55d3]"Oh my, apologies for looking out of place. I am a warrior come from far west. A nice region, fairly temperate though mountainous. As for contraband, I believe you're searching the wrong exotically dressed woman. Aside my katana..."[/color] She said, unsheathing it about halfway, enough to catch the glare of the sun to reveal the odd design in the metalwork. After the guards had a nice look at it, she returned it. [color=ba55d3]"...and a few coins and gems I carry."[/color] She retrieved her purse and showed the few gems and coins off to the guards. [color=ba55d3]"I cannot imagine such things being contraband in places aside those that are run by dictators of which I'm to understand your fair city is not."[/color] She wasn't quite sure whether she was saying anything good. Hopefully she was. This was her "kind human act" that she was oh-so proud of. In fact, she acted friendlier with these guards than Charlotte seemed to! In fact, Charlotte didn't seem all too happy with this. [hr] [color=green]"And so it seems they are. Ten guards or so."[/color] Katherine mentioned, looking to Livia. Her dolls had many uses. They could act as eyes and ears, though not mouths. [color=green]"I have half a mind to help them, if nothing more than to spite you and your fun, Livia darling."[/color] Katherine teased. She then turned to Marise, [color=green]"What do you say, Marise. Perhaps you could talk to them still, they might even be happy to do so if we save them from the long arm of the law."[/color]