[url=www.google.com] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7iESu2XuCU[/youtube] [/url] You wake up, brush your teeth, have a little breakfast, dress for your job, and make sure your gun is loaded. This is a typical day for your average person. After all everyone needs good protection against the Pests. Pests have been a problem for as long as people remember. Life goes on as usual, but with the risk of these little abominations attacking you when you leave the house. Pests resemble giant spiders, with the added detail of having many eyes and a clump of slimy tentacles where the mouth should be. Luckily for the human race, these disgusting creatures, who seem more numerous by the day, are held at bay thanks to the efforts of Maniacles Corporation. Maniacles is a company that deals with mercenaries as well as weapon research and development. Its because of them that you now see mercenaries in suits of power armor. Its thanks to them that an average Joe can afford a reliable gun for as little as $50. They are even responsible for keeping the peace in most places. Anywhere in the world you go, people will probably know about Maniacles. You are a young adult in this world trying to get by, working your job, maybe studying, and killing some pests along the way. That is, until you get in trouble with the law, see the job ad, or maybe even get kidnapped. Maniacles has made contact with a society of people able to practice "magic," but anyone is capable of learning it. This could possibly change the game with the whole Pest situation, and probably make Maniacles a nice profit if they play their cards right. This is why Maniacles is looking for participants to got to the island where these mages are, and attend an academy there which teaches magic. The name of the program? "Operation: Unnatural Campus" __________________________________________________________ This will be yes, a magic school rp, but its not your little brothers magic school rp. Oh no. Aside from the obviously chaotic situation the world is in, there are dark and powerful forces working behind the scenes. The year is 2038. The world is overrun with disgusting little monsters called Pests. You and many other young adults are going to a unique college. Think Hogwarts meets Saints Row meets Lovecraft. Rules 1. All human. It is a fantasy setting but low fantasy. All player characters must be human. 2. Your character knows nothing of magic or the magical aspect of the world before getting to the school. Also, it is unknown why the Pests ever appeared, where they came from, and how to get rid of them for good. Your character won't know any of these things either. 3. No god modding or controlling other player's characters. If I tell you to edit a post, do so. 4. Your characters abilities must make sense regarding your skills. A character with poor rifle skills shouldn't be getting all headshots with a sniper rifle. 5. No arguing in the ic, ooc, or with the gm. If you have a suggestion or concern, do bring it up in pm but remain civil. 6. Also, don't be shy about giving suggestions. The suggestions of the players have helped RPs do well in the past. 7. Everyone will have a gun, as everyone needs one in this world. However for now only handguns and non-automatic shotguns are allowed. Put what kind of gun you have in "other" if you read the rules. 8. If Maniacles is forcing your character into this, and one of their agents finds out you're telling people about it, they will probably seriously injure or "get rid of" your character. 9. New characters are always allowed, but you will have to hold off on posting when we are "full." CS Template Name: Age: (Should be over 18 but below 30 accept in rare circumstances) Origin: (Country, state, maybe even hometown. I always wound up with a diverse cast in past RPs and it felt more interesting.) Appearance: (pic or description) Skills: (Things you are exceptional at and magic you do well with. Your skills are meant to grow and develop over the course of the rp. For now, you are allowed to a skill relating to combat, a skill relating to the professional world, and a miscellaneous skill that relates to neither.) Reason for joining: (Did you volunteer? Are you doing this to avoid prison time? Is Maniacles somehow forcing you to participate.) Other: (anything else you want to tell us?)