[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/iRbC0Dr.png[/img] [sub][b]D A R K F A N T AS Y - H O R R O R - A D V E N T U R E 3 - 6 P L A Y E R S[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Yo9zPfmVEc][ ♫ ][/url][/sub][/center] [hr][center][h2]r [i]o s t e r[/i][/h2][/center] [hr] [indent]Audhild of Skogar [b][@NuttsnBolts][/b] [i][color=gray]A warrior filled with a thirst to spill the blood of those most malevolent, fated with the curse of not knowing why this desire is so potent.[/color][/i] Corrine of Astoria [b][@Kidd][/b] [i][color=gray]Text.[/color][/i] [s]Ulric of Galfia [b][@DruSM157][/b] [i][color=gray]A soldier given a second chance to live up to his valorous strength.[/color][/i][/s] Helvete of Brightwood [b][@Superboy][/b] [i][color=gray]Though rebirth quelled the flames of old hatreds in this druid's heart, the embers still linger, threatening to consume the forest's protector once more.[/color][/i] Mimrin of Draethir [b][@Mcmolly][/b] [i][color=gray]A young woman with a mind split in two by her redemption, this former assassin is in constant struggle with her monstrous past-self.[/color][/i] Syrenia of Myrándais [b][@Inkarnate][/b] [i][color=gray]Unsure of her role in this broken new world, a clerical ranger who hopes to find a way to survive and find the answers she craves.[/color][/i] [/indent]