[@Grnmachine] "And so soon after that Lemner debacle." Sasaki finished her thought, pulling his own phone out of his kimono and fumbling to turn it on. He had never quite gotten used to modern technology. When he'd been summoned the Grail had given him approximate knowledge of the modern world so as to decrease the chance of culture shock and acclimatize him quickly for the battles to come, but there was a world of difference between knowing what an airplane was and how to fly it. He finally got it on and looked over the general alert flashing on the screen himself. "You don't suppose someones decided to interfere with the truce?" he said, a slight smile barely playing across his lips. He'd been against the treaty from the start, for self-admittedly purely selfish reasons. It didn't suit his purposes for the UUC to have less enemies. A state of open war would be more convenient for him. No one cared who you cut down in war, provided that person was the enemy. He could subsist on the heavily regulated magic supplements provided by the UUC, but it was akin to keeping his head barely above water while floating in the deep dark ocean. As the ship pulled in behind them he gauged himself internally, reached into his kimono, and pulled out a sparkling blue liquid in a glass bottle. Popping the cork he drained the whole thing and felt it seeping into his very being. A drop in the bucket, but it would let him fight. Not how he pleased, but all the same. He then turned on his heel and dashed through the crowd, weaving between the teeming masses like the wind through trees in a forest and leveled his sword between the expectant passengers and the ship. As the doors opened up he presented the phone to them, the emergency alert still baring on the screen, and announced in a clear voice, "As an peacekeeping agent of the UUC I hereby invoke my emergency authority. My comrade and I will be commandeering this transport, which will be proceeding to Union Station immediately in order to deal with an unknown threat." He lifted his sword and placed it back on his shoulder, allowing the arriving passengers off the transport and daring the expectant boarders to do so. "If battle is what you seek, however, than you are more than welcome to board anyway." It was amazing how no one had taken him up on his offer, save one young drunkard that had to be dragged off the transport her friends, and soon the uncomfortable mutterings of the passengers joined with the the uncomfortable mutterings of those on the dock. People were already taking out their phones, to check the news or call loved ones or perhaps to complain to the dock master. One of them was the pilot, trying to slip out unnoticed with the others, but Sasaki grabbed him by the arm and shook his head slowly. "I can not fly this." he stated simply, tuning the young man around and pushing him back toward the door before turning back to Mami. "Shall we?" he said, gesturing to the open door and stepping inside.